Chapter 75- Apprentice VS Apprentice III

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Doryu would no longer hold back. It was time to finish this before the fight dragged on longer. He had seen enough of her strength to determine that she was not up to his point. This would solidify a sense of confidence over the Draconian Empire, that the apprentice of the great and powerful Hero of Tyr was nothing compared to one of their own.

He lifted his hands ones more in a fighting stance and rapidily made his move against Himari. Doryu ran at quick speed towards her as the two floating orbs followed close next to him.

Himari was in a panic as she saw the young boy run up to her once again.

His fighting style had not changed from what she could see but she would have to pay close attention to what those things were.

She made her way back into the air pointing the staff at him once more.

"Fire Strike"

The barrage of fireballs appeared once again and launched themselves at him.

Doryu smirked and spoke as he continued to run forward.

"Fire Strike"

One of the orbs immediately glowed and floated in front of him as a multitude of fireballs appeared around it. Within a blink of an eye the fireballs launched themselves towards Himari as well colliding with her own causing an explosion in the middle of the air.

Luckily for Doryu he was on the ground so the impact did very little to him.However Himari was in the air and the turbulence from the explosion caused her to be thrown back in the sky as she struggled to remain in balance.

"What was that?" she frantically asked finally gaining composure.

Doryu smirked as the smoke cleared up almost instantly.

In the middle of the air was one of the orbs rotating at fast speeds as a wave of air surrounded it.

Himari was completely confused as to what those orbs did but she kept her guard up for anything that was to follow.

Doryu lifted his arm and with a confidence tone said.

"Wind Strike"

Himari lost focus for a second as she looked at Doryu before she noticed the attack was not coming from him but from the orb that was floating just a few yards away from her.

Her reaction was too late as a gush of wind blades hit her causing her to yell in pain.

"What's happening?!" she yelled out in a panic as she struggled to dodge the barrage of attacks.

Doryu simply smirked and continued his own attack.

Himari had seen enough and raised her weapon yelling out.

"Lightning Strike!"

A multitude of flashing bolts clashed and easily broke past the wind blades making their way towards the orb.

"Got you!" Himari said her entire being now focused on destroying the orb.

Doryu on the other hand was extremely calm.


Himari felt herself being weighed down as she looked up and saw the second orb floating on top of her. Once more her reaction was too slow as she was forcefully pushed down onto the ground with a loud crash. She layed on the ground feeling her body growing numb. This feeling was somewhat familiar, like her fight against the Ghoul.

She sat up dazed and almost out of it but still willing to continue fighting.

"Th-those orbs..."

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