Chapter 58- Celebrating

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"Cheers everyone!" yelled out Kami as he held up a glass.

Everyone in the bar let out a loud roar as they raised their own glass.

It was a lively atmosphere once more as the city was filled with life even though it was the middle of the night. The influence the masked man had over the city had been lifted almost instantaneously as he had left. People snapped from their conditions and returned to normal. Once again, the name Kami made its way across the city as the Hero who had released them from the charming creature.

As per Kami all he had to do was buy everyone he could a drink and they were more than happy to forget the earlier event that happened in the castle.

The bar was flooded with people trying to partake in the celebration. The fact that it was not a time to do such things didn't cross anyone's mind as Kami stood on one of the tables and chugged down his drink.

The crowd roared with cheering once more as they chugged their own drinks down.

Kami easily finished his glass as he tossed it on the ground breaking it and lifting his arms into the air.

"More drinks for my people!"

There was another loud roar as everyone laughed and talked among themselves.

Kami having turned the mood of the people towards a favorable one made his way down the table and continued to chat with everyone around him

There were even more people this time around than when he had saved the city from the dragon attack so it was hard to move around.

From the side of the bar sat Sayu and the others as she stared amazed at Kami's display. She had never seen him act like that. She was well aware Kami had grown a lot more childish over the course of time but acting in such a manner was something she never expected him to do.

Himari on the other hand was extremely happy seeing Kami's actions trying to take a sip from a glass nearby.

Hiromichi noticing this pulled the drinks away from her and gave her an appalled stare.

"The hell you think you're doing kid?! This shit is not for someone your age!"

"I'm not actually eight, okay? Besides Mister Kami is doing it and it looks like fun!"

"Don't try to follow on that idiots' footsteps. Shit, what a bad influence."

Hiromichi mumbled as Asahi chuckled and took a sip from his own drink.

"Sir Kami sure has a way to bring up the mood. He feels a bit clunky, like he's trying to impress people in the battlefield but it could just be the way your kind do things."

As he said this he stared at Sayu and gently smiled.

Sayu was still processing Kami's behavior leaving Asahi's comment in the back of her head.

Marie gave a light cough trying to change the subject.

"H-have you seen Keishi by the way. He's been very distant lately with us, it doesn't appear like he plans to stick around with us anymore..."

Asahi gave a thoughtful look at Marie and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I can't say what's going through his head but knowing him he won't leave our group. He'll follow you everywhere you know that."

Marie felt a bit more relieved at hearing this and simply nodded. Keishi and her had been close friends since they were younger back when her dad had saved Keishi from a monster attack. As it turns out his entire village had been taken out and he had been the only survivor.

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