Chapter 55-Celestia

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Kami blinked a few as he looked around. He was confused about what had happened once he had revived everyone. All he remembers was that his skill had gone off and poof, standing right here.

Ah great what now...

The area around him was covered in fog that surrounded him. The sky above was bright and way closer than what it should be. It was as though he was standing on the clouds in the sky. There were no signs of any other life from what he could tell as he started walking around.

I was just about to show myself and Hero mode in front of everyone as well 'It was I who brought you all back to life!'. That's probably ruined now. Hmmm, would bringing them all back to life have been a Hero move though, seems something a God would do instead, right? Maybe it was for the best that I was brought here...somehow.

It was a peaceful place now that he took a closer look. It brought calmness into his heart and almost made him smile. The closest he could describe this place would be Heaven in terms of ambiance. Looks though he felt it was a bit lacking. Then again, he spent a large part of his existence taking care of Creation from a white room so, who was he to judge.

"Hyaaaaaah, out of the way!"

There was a swooping noise as a young boy came crashing onto the ground only to disappear into the fog.

Kami stared dumbfounded wondering what was going on.

There was silence again for a few before the boy's head popped out from the fog. He had messy green hair and his eyes glowed a light lavender color with a mixture of red.

He stood up as Kami took notice of what he was wearing. It was some fancy light tunic giving off a verdant glimmer. Around his wrists he had cuff lings that emanated light. It was hard to see what he was wearing at the bottom since the fog was too dense.

Kami stared at the young kid who he presumed looked around fifteen or sixteen in age.

"Tada! Not impressed? Come on most humans we bring here give a better reaction!"

He swung his body back and forth as he grinned at Kami.

"Where exactly is this anyway?"

"Bingo! That's a question, this is Otherworld! Specifically, Celestia, Real of Goddess Iatra and her allegiance of Gods!"

Kami looked around once more before returning his attention towards the young boy.

"Oh, me! I am known as the God of Joy! Name's Asobi, pleasure to meet you human!" he offered his hand as he smiled brightly at Kami.

Kami took his hand and smiled back.


"Hahaha! You must be wondering why you're here, well let's see. How about we go get some grub and talk about it, what do you say?!" Asobi clapped his hands.

He licked his lips at the thought of eating food and procrastinating on his duties.

Kami thought about it for a second and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I can go for some food, mind talking about what I'm doing here while we walk there?"

"Eh?! Walk, that's too slow, but whatever. Humans do that kind of stuff right, okie, let's walk!"

Kami tilted his head at the thought of this. He never really did consider walking something a human solely does. Sure, it wasn't any faster than just teleporting somewhere but sometimes a nice walk was the best choice for him. Either way, he followed after the boy who had taken of in a fast pace.

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