Chapter 2- Lost Child

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It had been sometime since Kami had been walking down the road with no signs of any life forms. His enthusiasm was still high but he was beginning to get tempted into toggling his Omniscient passive on. At least, long enough for him to find the nearest town or city.

"I'm so used to just knowing everything this feels a bit strange. Walking around clueless is its own fun I suppose" he shrugged off the idea and simply continued to admire the landscape.

There were still so many mountains to his sides and nothing but green pasture and trees as far as he could see. The mountains in the distance were covered in snow and the sky was especially bright today. The view filled him with a sense of optimism as he continued to walk confidently.

"Maybe I should explore the areas around the trees. Don't think there will be monsters and stuff walking down the road like I am so, it wouldn't hurt to try."

He came to a halt and stared of into the trees. Being part of an adventure was traveling the unknown and fighting of monsters, this was perhaps the best course of action he could take to fulfill his adventurer needs. Without hesitation he began walking into the field of trees. It didn't take him more than five minutes before he found a small group of goblins. They were small and green and were huddled around a circle swinging what looked like clubs. They had small straps of leather attached to the as armor and appeared to be celebrating something.

"Ugu-Ugu-Ugu" chanted the group of goblins

Kami took a look at the center of the circle and saw a small little girl. She had light brown hair and brown eyes. She had a look of terror in her eyes as the goblins continued to swings their clubs around. He had no idea what a small little girl was doing out here in the middle of basically nowhere and had he not accounted for the fact that he randomly decided to come here she would most likely die.

"Alright, time to be the hero!" he exclaimed

With that he ran up to the goblins who had yet to notice him. The goblins barely had the time to turn around and see him running at them but by that time it was too late. His fist connected with the closest goblin and it instantly was thrown back against two others and all three of them exploded. A splurge of guts and blood got splatted all over the remaining goblins and the little girl.

The girl let out a scream as the other goblins stared for a second before running off in fear

"Agagaga!" yelled out the goblins as they ran into the trees before disappearing.

Kami stood there motionless as the little girl continued to cry in the background

"Waaaaaah an even bigger monster has come to kill me!" she cried out.

Wait me a monster?! I just saved your life?! Story of my immortal life, I save you guys and I'm still the bad guy.

Kami let out a long sighed before raising his hands calmly at the girl and speaking.

"N-no little girl I'm here to save you. I'm sorry if I scared you I didn't think I would hit it so hard."

The girl seemed to settle a bit but she still continued to softly let out tears as she wiped on her face.

"Here let me help you." he raised his hand and a soft cloth appeared.

He walked up slowly towards her and started gently rubbing her face removing both her tears and any remains from the goblin.

Is it ok for me to just, break the worlds rules like that? There should be magic to conjure stuff, right? Damn let's consider this an exception. Maybe I should turn off Omnipotent. That was just way too much and I was significantly holding back

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