Chapter 26- Sending a New Foe

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"P-please I didn't think it would fail." bowed the God of Curses Hexalus.

A shadowy figure stood in front of him floating. Hexalus had used communication magic to get a hold of one of the others who was working alongside the God of Calamity. He was desperate at this point knowing that if Yotsune found out that he had failed in taking down the City of Alzel as well as the Hero who was walking around potentially messing with his plans, he would be punished.

The figure sighed heavily as it looked down at him.

"I still don't see what you want me to do about it. Pick up after your own mess, you're a God, have some dignity."

"I-if you do this for me I can help you out. I can be of service to you as well."

The figure stood silent for a moment before speaking up.

"Yotsune is not going to be very happy knowing I'm using his lackeys for my side projects, ah, what ever should I do?"

Hexalus cringed at being called a lackey. He hated being a part of this whole thing and now he had to play his part despite simply wanting out. He had to bow his head and act his part.

"You're my best resort when it comes to this. If I send anymore pointless attacks in the name of the God of Calamity it will only be worse for me when that Hero overcomes them. I would go and take care of it myself...however-"

"-Goddess Iatra would immediately notice a God working with Yotsune in the mortal world and retaliate, yeah, I imagine this is why you want me to go." the shadowy figured interrupted.

Once again, Hexalus lowered his head and prayed that she would take care of the problem for him.

"It's been two weeks or so since your plan failed right? I'm surprised Yotsune has not asked you about it. Then again, he's probably busy sending the other Gods to attack the other Heroes across Tyr. Okie dokie then I'll do you a favor, long as you do me one as well. I'll send some of my assistants to get the job done."

Hexalus frowned at this. He already knew she would want something in return but he was kind of hoping she would at least wait until after she took care of the Hero before asking.

"Anything I can do within my power I will"

"I sure do hope so. Lighten up Hexalus it won't be anything too hard for you. I'm just asking for a little something in return. I'll consider it for the next time we talk. Chow!"

The shadow figured disappeared in front of him as he straightened up from his bowing position and angrily hits the wall next to him.

"This is stupid. I could go and take care of this stupid Hero myself but now..."

He understood what was at stake. A God aligned with the God of Calamity stepping into Goddess Iatra territory would instantly set up her alarms and she would smite them down. It would considerably weaken Yotsune's army despite only being a weaker God. However, the person he was sending now was a sort of exception. She could freely step into the mortal realm and take out enemies. Of course the chance of her personally going and taking care of the problem were slim but whatever she did would get results.

Hexalus always found it confusing why she had so much control over what she did compared to the other Gods in this forced army. Unlike the others, that one was able to make her own decisions even the ones God of Calamity found against his plans.

It wasn't that she was particularly the strongest. In terms of power she would fall as the 3rd strongest in this alliance of theirs. He didn't know much about her in general but knew that if he ever needed something done outside of the eyes of the God of Calamity he could come to her and ask her for a favor. She would act like it was something annoying but in general she particularly enjoyed having the other Gods owing her a favor in return for whatever they needed done.

Even the way she addressed the God of Calamity in his presence was disrespectful but she could get away with it. Hexalus came to the conclusion that Yotsune probably needed her for something important or had a special ability the others didn't know about that could potentially turn this war around in their favor.

Hexalus lifted his arms and a map of Tyr appeared in front of him once more. He looked around at all the areas. There were a handful of Heroes around Tyr pushing back on the actions of the God of Calamity. The system of Heroes was the first wall they would have to take down if they were to attack the Gods in Celestia.

Heroes were like a wall that protected humanity, which in return gave more power to Goddess Iatra. If they took down the Heroes and humanity along with claiming the land; her power would waiver and now Yotsune would have the upper hand. At least, this is what he claimed to be true.

"Oh, one thing!"

Hexalus turned around in a panic as the map disappeared and saw once more the shadow figure on the person he had been talking to.

"What's the name of this Hero person you want me to take care of."

"U-umm if my sources are correct he goes by the name of Kami."

"Kami? I don't recall any Hero named Kami. Are you sure? I have a complete list in my head of all the Heroes across time and history and none of them was, is, or will be called Kami." the shadow figure took a more assertive tone making Hexalus curl down in fear.

Hexalus nodded his head and spoke as humbling as he could.

"I'm sure. The readings for his power show he has divine power. It's closer to a Gods than a Heroes, but I assume that this is because he is potentially the Hero of Tyr."

The shadow figured looked dubiously at Hexalus for a long while before disappearing once again.

"W-what was that about?" Hexalus looked back up and made sure she wouldn't show up randomly again.

He sighed and opened up the map again. Hexalus still had work to do and now he would have to focus on using his power to attack another part of the map.

"The work of an evil God is never done" he sighed once more as he lifted his hand at the map, inserting his will into another portion of land.

He hoped this time; no Hero would interfere with his plans and only make it worse on him when it failed.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant