Chapter 87- The Persistent Attack

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"Hell yeah, this is what I'm talking about!"

Hiromichi held onto a dark figure resembling a small wolf.

The wolf-like being growled furiously at him as it struggled to break free from his grip.


He smashed the creature against the ground as it let out a small whimper before disappearing into the ground.

"These things are much weaker during the day, tch, I was expecting an-all-out brawl at this point!"

He raised his fists and let out a howl onto the air.

"Ku, you really are an animal!" Thief exclaimed as she threw a pair of daggers into the shadows.

There was another whimpering noise followed by another pair of dark silhouette's vanishing from sight.

Ever since last night there had been an attack by a large force of dark creatures that over ran the city with large numbers. Luckily the forces around the wall had been fortified ever since the events that transpired so there had been enough time to warn the people inside before the monsters finally managed to make it in.

The adventurers had once again mobilized against another force of monsters that were attacking the city.

The king's forces had taken to protecting the castle mostly but a branch of their military had stayed within the city in an attempt to help out as much as possible.

During the night, these creatures had been hard to spot considering their dark appearance. The only thing that stuck out was there glowing red eyes but even so keeping a fight with an enemy that is mostly invisible to your sight grew tiresome.

Now that daylight had come in it was much easier to spot them and at the same time the creatures strength seemed to have waned.

Hiromichi, and Sebastien had stayed around the bar trying to protect the general area and keep their heads low. Unfortunately, Sayu seemed out cold and no matter how hard they had tried to wake her up she remained so. Thief on the other hand seemed to have recovered in a short time.

"This could be much easier if Sayu was with us, ku ku."

"Heh! Forget her we got this shit! I have to say it was all about Kami and her carrying out weight around this whole time, figures it's time for me to shine and show some of my strength around!" replied Hiromichi feeling content.

From what they could tell the enemies forces didn't seem to be dropping at all. They seem to be barraging them with nonstop attacks, more than likely trying to drain out the forces in the city with overwhelming numbers.

"We can't move out too far though unless we want to leave the people and Sayu at the bar defenseless. We have to stay on guard for now." continued Hiromichi in a more serious manner.

Thief let out a sigh as she raised her own personal daggers.

"Meeting him was supposed to be my Luck working for me, how come I feel overwhelmingly jinxed as of lately, ku ku..."

"It must have been your Luck madame Thief, otherwise you would have not meet muah!" yelled out a confident Sebastien from one of the rooftops nearby.

He had been listening in to their conversation while he was supposed to be scouting the area for more enemies.

Thief's expression grew cold and distant at hearing those words and murmured.

"My Luck stat is nothing but a lie..."

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