Chapter 53- Aftermath

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The sun shone brightly above the sky as everyone made it out of the Dungeon. There was a sigh of relief and happiness about seeing the outside world for the first time in a while. Everyone was in a cheerful mood now that their Dungeon crawling experience was over.

Sayu stood in silence for a bit looking around for Kami.

It was strange, she was sure that Kami had been the one to revive everyone and yet he was nowhere to be found. She began worrying that he had already made his way out without her and had decided to go about his own way.

"Tch, so you're some Goddess then? What kind of friends does Kami have, dam" Hiromichi spoke as he stood next to her.

Marie and Himari made their way towards them as well as they stood in silence.

Marie was already well aware that Sayu and Kami were Gods but she wasn't sure what everyone knowing entails now. Would they try and make everyone forget who they were or would they make their way back. She a sort of pain strike her chest when she realized she would probably never see Kami again, considering he was nowhere in sight. Maybe he had already made his way back to Celestia and Sayu was next.

Himari on the other hand was simply awe struck. She didn't know a Goddess could easily walk around humans like that and at some point, in her life were even more mythical than a Hero. Of course, her goal had not changed now that she knew what Sayu was, she still wanted to grow up to be a Hero but now she felt much happier knowing there were beings out there watching over them.

Asahi stopped in front of Sayu and kneeled. He closed his eyes and spoke in a sincere tone.

"I thank you for bringing my daughter back to life. I had no idea that you were such a divine being, forgive my foolishness. Never again shall I doubt the Gods powers."

Sayu stared at Asahi as she furrowed her eyesbrows.

She disliked being seen as a God to all these mortals. What was it about them that automatically made kneel to anyone with higher power than theirs. Had Kami made humans with such a nature so they would submit to his will and if so, why give them free will to begin with?

"It wasn't me who brought you all to live, it was Kami." she said as she continued to scan the area.

Asahi looked up with a surprised expression and spoke.

"Sir Kami? He wields that kind of power as the Hero of Tyr. A human with the power of life in his hand is almost hard to bel-"

Asahi grew silent as he looked over at Marie.

She simply avoided his gaze trying to hide her face.

"That dumbass Kami brought us back to life? Yeah right, I get he's strong and all but no human in history has that kind of power. That kinda shit is reserve for the Gods, tch, piss me off I tell ya" replied Hiromichi oblivious to the flow of the conversation.

There was a light sneeze as they all turned around and saw Thief walking up to them.

"Ku ku! Everyone is saying we died and were brought back by you but that's nonsense,right?! The enemy casted some illusion on us there's no way we died,hahaha..."

Thief looked at Sayu nervously as if hoping she would confirm her story but Sayu remained silent.

"W-well come on don't be a quiet prissy and tell me I'm right!"

Keishi made his way slowly over to them as well letting out a heavy sigh.

"An associate of Kami who is just as strong as he is, it's very suspicious that suddenly there's so many powerful people walking around. Don't expect me to acknowledge you as a Goddess." he said in a cold harsh voice.

Asahi realizing now what Kami and Sayu potentially were glared at Keishi.

"Show some respect Keishi, even if you don't believe she is a divine being it is rude to talk to someone who has saved your life in such manner."

Keishi simply gave a light sneer as he looked away.

Sayu was too distracted at this point to care. She looked behind her as she noticed the Dungeon had become smaller than when they had arrived.

Without the power of the Final Dungeon Boss or any of the other Dungeon Bosses, the Dungeon was beginning to disappear. Essentially, they had cleared it and were now free to leave.

The crowd noticed Sayu staring in their direction as they grew silent. Since they thought of her as a Goddess they had grown incredibly respectful of her and almost obedient. They had followed her outside from a distance after she had demanded that they stay away from her but even so they followed.

"W-where is Kami by the way, he did tag along with you guys? We also know he was killing monsters inside, s-so where is he?" asked Marie in a worried tone.

"Ah that reminds me, we met this girl who dragged him away in there, they left me alone to fend all by my poor self,ku ku..."

Sayu looked over at Thief.

"Who was she? What happened to him? Is he ok?"

"S-shesh I don't know, don't throw all those questions at me in one go, all I know is they disappeared after she showed up and suddenly I'm running around that place by myself."

Sayu lost herself in thought with this new information. Could this person be the reason why Kami was missing? No, it didn't make any sense considering she was sure Kami had been there to bring back everyone to life, but now the back to the original question, where is he?

Asahi stared at Sayu and noticed her worried expression.

"If it is true Kami had been the one to bring us to life, he must be near then. We must look for him, perhaps he is in need of our help."

Sayu shook her head. Kami needing their help was almost an impossibility, it was more likely that he was no longer here or was hiding for some reason. She just wished he would show himself it this was true.

"Hmmm, well, we'll do whatever you need us to do Lady Sayu. Say the word and we shall follow."

Asahi felt disrespectful calling her 'Lady Sayu' but considering they had not told them what they were, he figured they had wanted to keep their true nature a secret, so he would play the part.

Sayu continued to think about her next move. It was clear that these people would follow her every command now, no matter what she said. In Kami's absence his group of companions would probably move wherever she went. What would Kami do in this scenario?

He would probably lead everyone back to the city that she had seen when she first got here but is that really what she wanted to do? She wished these people would just leave her so she could go off on her own and look for Kami herself but by the looks of it that would be impossible.

With a heavy heart she sighed as she looked up at Asahi.

"We shall head to the City. Bringing everyone back to safety should be our priority."

Asahi nodded as he walked off to the crowd to relay the orders.

Marie felt a bit upset as well that Sayu had not ordered them to stay and look for Kami but it was the word of a Goddess, there was no competing with that.

"A-are we not going to look for Mister Kami?" asked Himari as she looked up at Sayu.

"Tch don't worry about it kid, Kami's probably off doing some other big shit somewhere, for all we know he's making his way back to the city as of now, that bastard" Hiromichi grinned at Himari.

In truth, Hiromichi was also slightly worried. It didn't seem very characteristic of Kami to just randomly leave but he hoped that was the case. At least this way he could bark at him when they got to the city.

Thief jumped around in an excited manner.

"Alright! I'm going to drink myself into a comma once we get there! You girl, you're Kami's friend, right?! Spot me the gold he would spend on the drinks he promised me, you can charge him once you find him!"

The day was bright as everyone started moving once more.

Sayu took one last glance behind her as she sighed again and led everyone back to the City of Alzel.

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