Chapter 27- Dealing with a King

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Kami looked around the castle as he whistled. He actually couldn't believe he had missed this big structure when he came into the city. It was pretty big from the inside and was fancy, as expected of royalty in any type of scenario.

A bit too in your face with the whole paintings and clearly exaggerated décor but hey, I'm the guy who gets promoted with Heaven being a bunch of puff clouds and eternal sunshine.

The walls seemed to have a multitude of paintings of what looked like warriors fighting monsters and images of what resembled Gods. The pillars were made of what he thought were pure gold and precious metals. Even the simplest of things like the windows had jewels decorating them of all kinds and the ground he walked on was made of some fine marble. It almost felt like a holy ground at this point with all this stuff around him.

As the guards continued to lead him, others who Kami thought were noble men and women stared at him pass by. He assumed they had never seen a prisoner before since they looked at him as though he was a specimen of sorts.

They suddenly came to a halt as they stood in front of an old man sitting on a throne. He was quite short and chubby and balding from what he could tell. The bit of hair he had was grayed out due to his age and he had a sort of mean look about him. His dark eyes looked listless as Kami stared back.

There was another man standing next to him, a lean tall man dressed in fancy violet clothing. He had a mask on and his brown hair looked like it he had used jell to pull it back.

"So this is the 'Hero' who destroyed my city I see." spoke King Mellius.

"Well to be completely fair I DID also sa-"

"Quiet prisoner!" said one of the guards as he attempted to hit Kami to make him stop talking.

This backfired almost instantly as he swung his elbow at his stomach and hit it only to be met with what was potentially a steel wall. The guard moaned in pain as he fell to the floor.

"-ve the city. It should be a fair that I at least only get a warning or something." continued Kami unfazed.

The guards raised their weapons at Kami in fear as they surrounded him. They took his neglection to stop talking and even more, the fall of their comrade as a sign of attack so they prepared themselves.

The King however continued to stare at Kami before speaking once more.

"You think this is a game?! You are a prisoner in my kingdom and if you want to come out of this alive you will listen to my request!"

Kami blew some air out as if expecting this already. Funny enough he was a bit impatient with the King and all its procedure. Considering he had waited two weeks for this and that somehow, he still was being treated as a potential enemy was getting on his nerves. This was supposed to be his time to be a Hero and now it turns out he was simply a prisoner?

"Very well, now, as you probably already know my son has been missing for some time now, almost 18 days to exact. I'm aware that you were supposed to go and find my son but due to the level of your crimes I could not just let you walk out freely."

Kami shrugged and grinned at him.

"Could have cut that short if you had just let me do my job. 18 days seems a long time for someone to be missing in a dungeon and not return."

The King grinned back menacingly and chuckled.

"Your friends came to me not short after we threw you into prison and requested that I release you. I agreed to, some of their terms, in exchange they were to go in your stead and save my son. They too have gone missing."

Kami's expression turned blank.

Ah, shame really. I liked them. Well Keishi is probably asking for it but the other tw- wait what about Himari?

"I assume I have your attention now prisoner. Now here's what's going to happen. You will go to this...dungeon and save my boy, in exchange I might consider shortening your sentence or maybe I'll just let you go. Depends on my mood."

What's with this guy? He's a King, right? Why does everything he say sound like a stereotypical tyrant from some evil Kingdom. He's the good guy what's with the dark attitude. This whole thing is off, even the guards who were praising me just a few weeks ago are treating me like I'm the enemy, agh.

"If I may make a suggestion your majesty, why not send the strongest warrior we have along with that adventurer that came back from that group." spoke the masked man in a calm and charismatic voice.

Kami put his thoughtful face on as he felt the presence of this man. He was a strange one and it felt as though his voice carried weighed with it. He decided to check who this man was with his [Data] skill.

[Status Bar]


What's this, everything about this masked man is omitted. False Data skill perhaps?No that would only lie about his stats right?

"An excellent suggestion, you will be kept in check by my strongest warrior and that one adventurer who made her way back from the dungeon will provide any information to assist in tracking my son. You WILL succeeded or I will have your head for this"

"That's fine, however I have something else to ask of-"

"Silence, no more from you" spoke the masked man

Kami tilted his head in confusion as he grew quiet for a second before continuing.

"I want to ask for another condition."

The masked man stood silently but Kami could tell he was a bit perplexed about something. The King lifted his eyebrow and spoke.

"You are a prisoner, you are in no place for conditions."

Kami sighed as he pulled his arms apart, breaking the cuffs that were supposed to be suppressing his power. The guards once again who were holding their weapons up still from last time backed off in fear.

"Look you're making this a bit harder than it has to be just hear me out and we can get this moving."

"There is nothing you can say or demand from me. You will do as I say or you-"

The sky began growing darker as Kami frowned at the King. The people in the castle looked around scared as the sun had literally grown dark. The darkness from the lack of light filled the castle as the King grew quiet.

"Listen, to, me." Kami spoke slowly fully prepared to go full God mode on the King if he refused him one more time.

"I believe, you should perhaps listen to him, your majesty" suggested the masked man as he stood seemingly unfazed by the events.

"Hmph, very well, guards, check what's happening outside."

As he gave the order the sky returned back to normal. Kami smiled gently as he adjusted his shirt. The guards froze in place not knowing exactly what to do.

There was always a need to put fear into people's hearts when he needed things done. He had done a lot of this in the past but now preferred to just let his creations do their own mistakes. Clearly, he needed to pull this old tactic out so he can get this moving his way.

"Good, I'm glad you're a reasonable man" he spoke to the King as he eyed the masked man.

Kami was getting bad sense about what was going on here and he felt he knew a little bit about what was happening. Either way, he would play along for a while before he made his move.

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