Chapter 42- Running Luck

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"When I find him, I'm going to kill him, ku ku!"

Thief used [Shunpo]  on the slime creature in front of her as she drew on her daggers. She  attempted to stab the creature with them but they easily sunk into its  body. Her hands were stuck inside its warm slimy body giving her a  churning feeling in her stomach.

"Ugh! D-disgusting!"

The slime creature shifted its body so its glowing red eyes stared at Thief. Her hands began sinking further into the creature.

"Aiieee! This is so wrong! S-Shunpo!"

She instantly teleported away as she shook her hands in an attempt to get rid of the slime covering her hands and weapons.

"Blegh! W-why did I get such a gross creature to fight?! Why not some Wolves or some Goblins? Dungeons are usually full of these generic monsters but I had to get a Slime Creature, ku!"

She lifted her daggers once more as she ran up the Slime before shouting.

"Toxin Weaponry!"

Her daggers gave a distinct emerald glow as she sliced through the slime instead of stabbing it.

The Slime Creature gave a groan as the dagger passed through its body. It left an opening where Thief had struck with her dagger as a sizzling noise came from it. The cut began bubbling as the poison took its effect on the creature. It began frantically staggering back as it felt the burn from the poison slowly crawling through its body.

"Ku ku ku! Not bad right? No need for magic skills to take you down! Although I guess it is a magic skill..."

She didn't give the Slime Creature must time to react as she once again used [Shunpo] on it appearing right behind it. Thief quickly raised her daggers once more at the monster.

"Double Blow!"

She lashed out with one of her daggers in a swift motion cutting through the monster once more.

This time though the monster was aware of her abilities as he made a quick turn when she disappeared and swung its arm at her.

Thief grinned at the slime before she disappeared. She reappeared right behind it once again as she slashed at it with her second dagger.

The  Slime Creature staggered back once again as the poison from her weapons  took effect once more. It began making a loud gurgling noise before  collapsing on the ground and turning into a giant puddle of bubbling  slime. A notification appeared in front of her as she placed her daggers  away.


"S-seriously, disgusting!"

She  took a deep breath as she started walking once more looking for Kami.  All she remembered was that he was standing in front of her when that  girl showed up and suddenly they were taken  away by a flame figure that strangely resembled a bird. After that she  found herself walking alone for the longest time before coming across  that Slime Creature.

"Where did they go? Just left me here all alone wandering around this stupid Dungeon. I didn't even want to come in to begin with, ku!"

Thief came to a halt as she felt the ground shaking  underneath her. She panicked as she looked around wondering what was  going on. It wasn't long before she got her answer as one of the walls  in front of her exploded.

"Aiieee! W-what was that?!"

It  wasn't long before she heard snarling noises from where the explosion  had occurred. Thief instantly took out her daggers once more preparing  herself for what was potentially another fight. She froze though when she heard a female voice speaking.

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