Chapter 71- In and Out, Just Like That

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The draconian male with the glasses chuckled as if he had just heard a humorous joke as he walked side by side with Kami.

"Next  time you wish to break a curse of that magnitude, might I suggest doing  so in a more appropriate area. The middle of the city is a bit of a red flag  to do so."

Kami yawned and nodded his head in agreement.

It was surprisingly slow how they had responded. He had spent the night locked up this time  around. It wasn't until the morning that word had gotten to the castle  that Kami had been locked up and they had immediately called for his  release.

"However, we do apologize for the misunderstanding on our part. We will make sure to take the precautionary steps so this doesn't happen again Hero Kami."

The man spoke calmly as he wrote down a few notes on some papers he had in hand.

He  was actually more curious about the situation than he let him know.  Something Kami was more than likely unaware of was that the city is  being protected by a very powerful skill casted by the most elite mages  in the Empire's disposal. This spell detected any abnormally high energy  and would notify the Kingdom's mages of a potential threat.

Upon  Kami's arrival the skill had taken off and reported the reading's on  Kami's strength. The results were baffling and he could simply not  explain. 

They  showed that Kami's energy was essentially divine energy, which should  not be too strange considering he was a Hero with a God's Blessing.  However, the reading was much higher than any Hero they had ever  recorded in all history which somehow brought a sweat to his forehead.

Not  so long after that, at the time he had claimed to break a curse on his  companion, there was a reading yet again of a divine level, coming from  that girl. Unlike Kami's though this power was much darker and menacing  before disappearing. This more than likely mean that whatever power had cursed this young girl was a God level being.

To  add even more, once the girl had been broken from her curse, the  following readings showed that she had near divine level strength imbedded into her as well, which should not be surprising since Kami had shared the fact that she was a Stat Companion.

What  this all basically meant was that there was something large in play  here, something at a whole different level that none of them understood  and it made him wary of having brought Kami to this land. 

He  relayed the news to the King and he had simply remained silent in his  throne, more than likely trying to take all the information in.

In  truth they had found out almost instantly about the fiasco with Kami  but had decided to drag it as long as possible. The King was beginning  to doubt this friendly competition  with the Hero Kami but eventually decided to remain on track. They had  already called back their own Hero back from his own business and he  would more than likely not take being called back for nothing very  lightly.

Now here he was, trying to maintain his calm and cool in front of this potential monster of a being.

"Well  it's fine anyhow. That eliminated the rest of the day yesterday and  brought us closer to the match. Tomorrow your Hero should arrive, right? I'm really looking forward to this fight." commented Kami as he smiled brightly.

The man in glasses shivered slightly adjusting his glasses once more.

The confidence that their Hero would stand a chance had quickly disappeared upon Kami's arrival to the Empire. At best he hoped they would trade even.

"Yes, well,  if everything goes as scheduled some time tomorrow the event will be  taking place. Now if there's anything else I could do for you don't hesitate to ask."

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