Chapter 62- Sub Classes

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"These look familiar in some way laddie?" asked the dwarf as he continued to shove the clothing in his face.

"Yeah, they are definitely not from around here."

"Hwahaha! I knew it! My ancestor kept these around when a great warrior who came to his aid centuries ago looking for armor. I should have paid more attention to my great grandpappy had I known I would one day stumble across someone from another world as well!"

Kami stared at the excited dwarf as he placed the clothing on a small table nearby and stare back at him.

"So laddie tell you what! I'll be your personal supplier! With my craftsmanship you will become a great warrior known throughout the land!"

"Wait let's start off slow here, what's your name?"

"Oh? I thought the name to my shop would give it away. Name's Gorgraen! Best blacksmith in this whole city!"

Kami looked around once more.

He was a bit skeptical at that. He understood if it was a slow day and had only one or two people shopping around but considering the upsurge of people buying gear and items ever since everything returned to normal, he should be busier. The shop remained empty despite the easy business going on outside.

"Well, it's a nice offer but-"

"C'mon lad! What do you have to lose!? My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandpappy worked alongside a great hero who even saved the world! I could whip out some gear that would blow your mind! What do you use as a weapon? I'll show you a weapon that'll really show you!"

Without allowing him to answer his question Gorgraen began running out of the room.

"Wait wait! Hold on there!"

Kami lifted his arm as Gorgraen hit an invisible barrier and stumbled back. He was sure that he would not stop otherwise so he had to stop him by force.

"Listen the offer is nice but I just came to learn more about different kind of gear and weapons. Besides, I'm not quite sure of your capa-"

Gorgraen still somewhat dazed at hitting the barrier turned around and looked at him. His excitement seemed to have dropped as he looked at him straight in the eyes.

"So, you heard? You're like the lot of them are you? Judging poor Gorgraen for not being the legendary blacksmith his ancestors were! Perhaps I'm not as good as others but I have something they don't, guts! Guts and determination! Give me enough time and I'll make you anything you need lad!"

What is he talking about? Is it just me or does this guy like to interrupt me a lot.

Kami simply shrugged lowering his hand and allowing him to go on through. He smiled brightly at Gorgraen and signaled him to go ahead.

"Alright fine, show me"

Gorgraen smirked as he ran out of the room.

The wait was a bit longer than he expected. He found himself looking around at the smallest things trying to find anything to keep him entertained while he waited for Gorgraen to return. It wasn't that he was necessarily impatient, after eons of time passing by, patience was one virtue he had grown quite extensively, but there were other things he wanted to do and it looked like this blacksmith was taking up the whole day.

Almost as he decided to go check and see what was taking so long Gorgraen came running back in holding what looked like sword wrapped around in cloth.

"Sorry for the wait lad, I wasn't sure where I placed this old thing."

He revealed from within the cloth a slade colored glimmering sword. The sword looked incredibly beautiful to look at as Kami slightly reached out to grab it.

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