Intermission 2

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Hiromichi: Tch, you killed the bastard didn't you, what the hell is wrong with you?! *smacks Prinny's head*

Sayu: I believe the author is having a life crisis killing off God, you think he's tired of his story? I personally would smite him down where he stands if I still had my full angel powers.

Thief: Ku, ku...all I know is this beer, hic, tastes fantastic...*collapses on the table*

Prinny: Look, listen guys, it's nothing personal I just really needed to write in some stronger characters! You think Kami running around killing everything in one shot is going to keep people entertained, dood?

Sayu: H-he's the God of All Creation! The Alpha and the Omega, Benev-*continues never ending praising*

Hiromichi: Look kid, whatever the hell is your problem not sure why you had to kill him off. What the hell is Sayu rambling on about anyway?

Prinny: I- I didn't kill him off look if you been keeping track of his Passives h-he's immortal! Why do people believe he's being killed off, dood! *stares at table nervously*

Marie: *coughs* H-Hero of Tyr is immortal I- I had no idea *stares nervously at everyone*

Hiromichi: This is bullshit! *Grabs onto Prinny* You write the next chapter and you better make sure he's alive again or next time we have one of these I'll kick your ass, got it?!

Himari: I-is Mister Kami going to be ok? *looks down at her feet*

Prinny: H-hey is it ok for a kid to be in a bar? *avoids Hiromichi's glare*

Hiromichi: You're the bastard that wrote us into this scenario anyway, now make with the writing! *tosses Prinny on the ground*

Prinny: A-alright alright...*climbs back onto the chair*

(Silent awkwardness as the group sits on the table listening to Sayu ramble on about Kami's greatness)

Prinny: S-so who you think is everyone's favorite character so far?

Hiromichi: Tch, clearly, it's me of course. I have everything the great characters have! Personality and a great appearance! Everything your generic ass harem girls are missing! *scoffs at them*

Marie: E-excuse me...?

Himari: I'm a Harem girl, yay!

Sayu: Disgusting, a worthless ape thinks he's more likeable than our Lord and Savior! I will see to it personally that once we return to Heaven you are condemn to the never-ending agonizing flames of Hell.

Marie: I personally think some people enjoy the mother figure... *waves gently at the front page* I-I might not be the most popular but...I probably have the sweetest fans...maybe.

Hiromichi: W-why does everyone randomly stare and talk to shit!?

Sayu: If there is a mother figure, it would have to be me of course. I consistently have to hold the hand of God in his ever-expanding works. *raises her chest with pride*

Prinny:*shakes Thief gently* G-guys I think she might have died...

Hiromichi: Mother figure this mother figure that! People are not going fans over two girls taking care of grown ass man like they were children, they want the cool dude who's loud and obnoxious! That's me so don't delude yourselves!

Sayu: Ha! So, you admit you are loud and obnoxious! Ironic, the only one who could even deal with someone like that would be a mother! Perhaps this is why you spent all your life as a Cave Dweller you ape!

Hiromichi* stands up* Don't you dare call me a dam Cave Dweller you fluff-winged egoistic bird! Flap your wings back home and let the real man take the front line!

Prinny: T-that sounded a bit sexist there...seriously guys...Thief's not breathing.

Thief: *falls onto the ground*

Sayu: Haha! Is that the best the filthy mouth dog could bark up?! Do you even know what a real man looks like? I was there when Kami created them and I can tell you, you're more animal than man!

Marie:H-how about we just calm down and have some nice drinks guys...

Hiromichi: Alright that's it you! You and me! One-on-One, outside! I'll de-feather you and really show you what I can do!

Sayu: Please! Maybe you had the slight edge when I first came to this world but now you're beneath me! Fine, I accept your challenge.

Prinny:*flips Thief face-up* G-Guys she's dead! Help me, doods!

(Sayu and Hiromichi head outside leaving the rest of the group in silence)

Marie: *sighs* Come on Himari, let's go make sure they don't make a mess of things...

Himari: *nods her head and smiles* Okay! I think Sayu is going to win though, she looks a lot stronger!

(Marie and Himari head outside)

Prinny: W-why did everyone ignore me dood?! Ah, *sits on the ground staring at Thief's corpse* Well, anyway...thank you for reading so far I'm very happy with how my story is going so far. There're a few things I wou-

Thief: hic...blegh... I... need to throw up....ku...ku....ku....

Prinny: You're alive! Thank Kami for that,phew! A-anyway there's a few things I would have liked to have gone differently and I still feel my writing could improve. As I write this I have around 18k readers which to me is honestly the more important factor. Not many people tend to vote even though quite a few of them tend to Inbox me for some reason but never touch that little star. Irrelevant, I want to thank you for all the support and I hope you keep enjoying any future updates for my story. Also, as I had said before if you see or find anything wrong in terms of grammar or such in my story do let me know, I'm not perfect and I tend to write these pretty fast at times.

Thief: S-stop stupid penguin... my... ugh...*rolls on the ground*

Prinny: T-that's it for now and once again, thank you for everything! If you have any question or comments don't be scared to hit me up and I'll answer as best I can! C-come on Thief let's get you to a bed...

God's an Adventurer: Volume IWhere stories live. Discover now