Chapter 84- God VS Hero I

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"A reminder, this friendly bout is only being done as an exhibition between us of the land of Tyr and the Gods!" yelled out the announcer.

The crowd cheered on as Kami looked in confusion at him.

Did this guy just change the whole perspective of this fight after my speech? Well guess it's a good way to look at it. A reach of hands between two races.

Kami shrugged and looked over at Drairgun only to let out a small laugh.

Drairgun had been standing there like an unmovable pillar the whole the commotion was going on,unfazed by any of the happening events.

"You have a bit of an unshaken will don't you. The most surprised I've seen you is back at the Colosseum. Even now you stand before me as though I'm an average mortal, I'm impressed."

Drairgun stood in silence for a while before speaking.

"Is that not what you want? I was under the impression you wished to be treated as an equal and not some unfathomable being. Either way, it's not in my nature to be shaken by such things. I've killed beings whose strength felt far superior than my own. This is a small competition compared to the scales of such battles."

"Is that your way of saying you're going to beat me."

"Hmmm, I, perhaps not today. My strength might be too inferior to your own. However, I do not intend to allow this to be true forever. My determination is at test here, come then, God with no banner, we shall test our resolve."

"It looks like the two competitors are fired up and ready to go! Let the battle, commence!" the announcer yelled out once more.

It was faster than Kami had imagine it would be.

Drairgun pulled out his sword not a second after announcer finished and unleashed his attack.

It was a large blade of red and black energy that moved in a crescent form.

Kami knew this was child's play for him but he did not intend to make this a complete slaughter. He would patientlly wait for Drairgun to do his attacks put his back somewhat against the corner to say. Then he would show them a bit of something he had planned out for a show.

Alright should dodge, this adds a bit of flare instead of simply taking the attack!

He moved almost too fast for anyone to take notice that he had dodged the blade heading his way. The blade managed to barely make its way towards the wall of the Colosseum before hitting an invisible barrier and eventually dissipated.

Kami stared back at the barrier, surprised that there was actually something like that.

It's probably smart of them to do so. Fights can get crazy so putting up barriers to prevent damage is a good idea.

He turned around to ask Drairgun how the barrier worked exactly but as he did he noticed the towering image of him, in the air a few feet away from him lunging his large great sword at him.

Kami dodged once more this time staying alert. It was clear Drairgun didn't want to leave any openings for him to respond.

Makes sense, if I get anytime to retaliate, he probably knows my attacks will do more damage than his ever could. He's going to try and put me into a defensive state in this fight.

Drairgun's sword smashed against the ground breaking it apart only to immediately raise his hand towards Kami.

He felt a sudden effect kick in but it disappeared almost instantaneously.

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