Chapter 60- Draconian Empire

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"Hmph, they're late, as usual." spoke a profound ridged voice.

A tall burly man stood by the balcony of a castle over-viewing the sight of the city. 

His crimson colored hair was wild and barely reached up to his neck. Although he appeared mostly like a normal man there were a few traits that showed otherwise. For example, his eyes, which instead of the normal round pupils' humans had, were elliptical shaped like those of a snake or a cat. They were also ivory colored and seemed  to burst forth with strength and gave off a feel of superiority. His  upper arms and the area around his neck, if you looked closely, were  filled with small scales that reflected of the light giving him a  somewhat glossy look.

Besides  those features in particular it was much harder to distinguish this man  from a normal human despite the fact that he was actually a Dragon-kin.

"Y-your majesty! We apologize for the late arrival." yelled out a man as he made his way towards the tall man.

It was just a regular knight whose armor seemed much sturdier and had a  more threating look to it than those the humans wore. It was black as night which would make it almost hard to tell apart from anything in the darkness.

Another figure made his way inside as he yawned. 

Although in height he was equal to the large man in front of him, he was much slimmer  and wore robes that reached all the way to the floor. He adjusted his  glasses and yawned once more in a lazily manner before speaking.

"We've arrived."

"Is that all you have to say for being so late, you disrespectful-" the man  held his tongue as he gave a light click and turned his attention  towards the city once more.

He didn't have it in him to go off on them when they were here to deliver news from the Ducuria Kingdom, the Human Kingdom just west of their mighty Empire.

"Did the teleportation magic not work?" spoke the tall red-haired man once more.

"It did, however, we are afraid there were some complications when we arrived."

"Eh, speak up then!"

The man coughed as he mumbled before speaking once more.

The red-haired man slanted his eyes in suspicion of what he had said but once again decided to hold his tongue.

"When we approached at first, our Mage Squadron detected magic being used on the city. We decided to camp outside for a few days to analyze the situation and see if we could figure out what was happening inside without crossing the threshold of this magic."

"What did you find?" eyed the man with curiosity.

"It  would appear this was the work of someone who was charming the city, we  didn't get much further into the details before the magic dissipated."

"Dissipated? Come on, stop cutting short on the story and just tell me the whole dam thing already."

The man coughed once more and mumbled a few more words enough for the tall man to be unable make out what he was saying.

"There are two sources of great power that entered the city. When the Mage Squadron felt the presence of such strength they almost fainted in disbelief. According to them these could be Heroes with Goddess Iatra's own blessing. The one they call Hero of Tyr that we've heard about was one of them.  It was hard for me to believe myself but at the time there was a large  thundering from the sky and suddenly a large ray of light came down on  the castle and caused a huge ruckus. I was quite perplexed your majesty."

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