Chapter 6- Heading to the City of Alzel

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"Hero Kami... no more... I'm done..." burped a fat chubby man as he laid on the floor.

"Hahaha! No one can best me in a game of drinking!" exclaimed Kami.

In front of him, around eight men were on the floor grumbling. The sun was beginning to rise and it appeared they had stayed up all night attempting to out-best each other in a game of drinking. Of course, Kami had taken the competition a little too seriously and, in a struggle, to keep up with him the men in front of him had consumed enough alcohol for a life time. The other villagers had settled in and gone back to their houses after the celebration had concluded but now that it was morning there were signs of a few of them about, now trying to fix up any damage that the goblins had done to their homes.

Kami chugged the last of his drink before setting it on the table and grinning at the men at his feet.

"Better luck next time men. I salute your commitment"

He carefully moved around them making sure not to disturb them. In his mind now was the perfect time to say his goodbyes to Itsu and any other villager that was along the way before heading out to his next big adventure. Many others were beginning to wake and as he passed them he heard them whispering as they stared at him.

"Is it true, he could be the Hero of Tyr?" whispered one

"He must be, did you not see how he easily slayed that Chimera. We're lucky to be in his presence" replied a villager

What's with this Hero of Tyr? I mean being an adventurer/hero was what I was aiming for but there was no mention of this 'Hero of Tyr' business yesterday. I was just an ordinary hero.

Kami shrugged it off as he approached Itsu's home. He was already awake and was sweeping the outside of his home. Kami thought it was redundant considering the roads were already dirt to begin with but he just let him carry on anyway.

"Hero Kami had a pleasant night I presume? Heard there was a few guys who challenged you to a drinking contest and lost, ho-ho-ho, reminds me of my younger days." Itsu commented as he rubbed on his beard.

"Something like that...there's a few villagers back there who were calling me the Hero of Tyr, any idea what that's about and what's this Hero of Tyr business?" asked Kami.

"Ho, no idea. Someone must have told them you were such a hero last night while the celebration was going on. Being a Hero is already a grand thing around these parts. Not many can stand to that title but being the Hero of Tyr, I believe I told you all about it last night,no?" Itsu eyed Kami suspiciously as he continued to rub his beard.

"Ah yes you know...must have been the alcohol, haha, fuzzy on the details"

The door to Itsu's home swung open and Himari stepped out. She was wearing different clothing from yesterday. She had a pair of leather boots and gloves. Her pants were rugged and lose and a small worn out metal plate armor on top of a small fitted tunic. She had a small sword strapped on her side and a small round wooden shield on her left arm. Himari was also carrying a small bag on her back as her eyes glisten when she saw Kami but immediately looked away.

"Well look at you little Himari, already for the road ahead of you I see. Sir Kami, do take care of her, would you?"

Right the whole, she's traveling with me business, had almost forgotten. Well at least she's looking like she's ready for combat but with her stats, those weapons and armor will she actually be able to do anything? I suppose as party leader it would be up to me to upgrade her gear, no?

"Of course, gramps, I'm on it. Well we're headed towards the city first to turn in that Wild Beast guy. He's still tied up and secure in the warehouse, right?"

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