Chapter 61-Welcome to Gorgraen's Blacksmithing Shop!

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[Status Bar]

Name: Kami



Title: God of All/Runaway God

Class: N/A (Level 5 Reached, Class Unlocked]

HP: 15000/15000

Stamina: 15000/15000

Mana: 15000/15000

Strength: 15000

Endurance: 15000

Intelligence: 15000

Dexterity: 15000

Charisma: 25

Wisdom: 15000

"I'm pretty sure I'm ahead of the curve with all that grinding I did...I still have to pick my Class. Hmmm...if I do pick one, I'll immediately gain more stats as well which would make me even stronger. Maybe I should refrain from that for a while despite me wanting to pick Hero... if it ever shows up..." mumbled Kami as he walked aimlessly down the busy streets of Alzel.

It was busy once more now that Kami had freed everyone from the mask man's grip as the city hummed with the noise of people.

Many stared and whispered as he walked by and a few even tried to approach him and failed. Kami's mind was too preoccupied to notice any of them as he simply walked past anyone who put themselves in front of him.

"I have very little gold now as well from buying everyone drinks and buying all that gear and scrolls... I'm sure I should find some other way to earn money..."

There was the option for him to summon random food or gear that he could use but he was not very inclined to do that as a first resort option. It would be the equivalent of him inputting a cheat code on a game and as fun as it seemed at first it would ruin the immersion for him and eventually lead to him being bored.

Of course, this is not to say he would never do such a thing, for example he had done this repetitively while he was locked in jail with Hiromichi or when he gave Thief that other worldly alcohol. He was more than happy to do so at those times but not always.

"Guess it depends on the situation..." Kami mumbled staring at the sky.

He continued to wander without direction observing the multiple buildings and shops around him. There was a sense of happiness that filled him when doing this seeing everyone go about their day. It was its own reward knowing that the people today were doing well now that he had taken care of that man.

Speaking of which, he said something about the girl who I met at the Dungeon... looking closer she was one of those Grand Heroes the Guild Master told me about no? Ausra....if she's a Hero why was she trying to kill me off? Wasn't she supposed to be dead after fighting that God of Calamity centuries ago? Ahhh so many questions...

Kami thought about going back to the Adventurer's Guild and asking some more questions but decided it would be pointless. Considering he thought she was dead there was probably nothing useful he would be able to learn there.

I went there earlier this morning to see if they had any new quests to give but it seems they're still a bit stunned from the masked man incident and are trying to recover. Should give them some time then. What else is there to do?

Still lost in thought Kami stumbled into the end of the street and stopped in front of a door. He looked up at it closely trying to figure out what kind of shop it was and soon realized it was a blacksmith shop.

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