Chapter 69- New King

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Shi sat on the throne of the Elven Kingdom casually throwing a few grapes into his mouth. He stared at the blackened sky from the view the windows around the castle provided and gave a satisfying smile.

This was as good as any plan he could have made. It was easy to walk into this land and take over the throne that he held now. Of course, no one knew that he had taken over, at least, not anyone that was fully alive. He kept the King and his cabinet of members "alive" for him to use as a mask whenever there was a need for them. As for his army, it had been an easy task to slowly kill them and bring them back to life. The transition had taken him virtually only a few overnight hours as he moved around this great city. He decided to leave the commoners and adventurer's alive for now, as he was testing out his plan on them. However, as soon as he knew they were no longer needed, the will of Death would fall on them as it did to all these men before him.

"From the news I've received, brother is currently in the human kingdom. The humans were always his favorite toy. Hmph, they are all virtually the same anyhow."

Shi continued to stare out the window before a shadowy figure emerged besides him.

It slowly took shape into the familiar presence of the female who he had killed and brought back at the beginning of his journey. She was still wearing the same armor she had been before as she slowly got on one knee and bowed before Shi.

"The creatures you have summoned have increased in strength as you have order. The adventurers who are capable of slaying them are moving out once more to kill as many as possible."

Shi nodded his head as he silently gazed into distance.

"Y-you wouldn't-"

Shi brought his finger up to his mouth as she immediately grew quiet.

The force that commanded not only her but every aspect of military force in this city was immeasurable. No one was able to resist his commands despite the fact that they struggled to break free every second.

"Think of it this way, with me as the new ruler of this Kingdom. I guarantee you that no nation in this world will be capable of standing up to you Elves. Of course, I couldn't simply walk in here and ask the King nicely to step down for me, that would just be rude. You see, in our existence, those with power have always been at the top of the chain. For an endless era, my brother has been the one that makes the rules, even some time before that, our sister was the one who dictated the rules of existence. I however, had never had my turn, and I doubt it will come any time soon. Therefore, I will make my small little kingdom here, in this insignificant universe, and in the process, play a game of good vs evil with my brother."

The girl in armor remained in her knee, confused about what the mad man in front of her was speaking about.

"With me as your king, this nation will prosper. However, I have to plan a bit ahead here. Brother is in this world with infinite power and all. That's something I can't face in my current situation, what to do, what to do..."

The room grew quiet once more with the exception of the blowing winds outside the castle walls. It was a long period of time before Shi looked at the girl for the first time and gave her a gentle smile.

"How's the new ascended form feel? Are you used to it yet?"

The girl looked down at her hand as it trembled.

When they had arrived in the city, Shi had made his way into the castle with the pretense of being a diplomat from the human kingdom. This would not have usually have been enough but considering he was being accompanied by a group of knights that were order to vouch for this lie it had been an easy task to get inside. Once inside Shi spoke to the King about his plan and the King had declared him a mad man and ordered the knights to kill him.

She closed her eyes as she continued to think back at the events.

It had been so quick,  how he had easily handled everyone. At first it was just the squadrons that could make their way towards him that were eliminated in the bat of an eye. Then once he had dealt with any more potential threats, he brought them all back to life and killed the king with his own two hands before doing the same to him. After that he had sent orders, to call back all knights who were currently outside the castle, guarding the city back to the barracks for inspection. There he continued his plan and slayed more of the knights just as easily and once more, brought them back to life. It was terrifying knowing there was a man out there who could do such a thing with great ease but at the same time, the way he dealt with it was very casual.

There were no signs of him enjoying, or hating, or even doing this for a righteous cause or evil intent. When he killed someone, it looked to her like it was just simply something that had to be done. As if their time had come and as the deliverer of death it was up to him to bring their lives to an end.

Once he had finished making sure every knight and guard in the capital city was under his control, he had them all return to their posts as if nothing had happened. No one noticed how in just a short amount of time, they had lost control of the entire Elven Kingdom.

Then as a follow up, as a "grand gesture" he did something to her. She wasn't sure what it had been or how he had gone about doing it but she felt herself change. It was a strange sensation, borderline between life and death. It was different than the lifeless being she had been before when he had brought her back to life. There was new strength in this form and life suddenly seemed to her like something that was trivial. She had been ordered to go and take the lives of a few others in which she noticed the same effect of his words still worked over her despite her nature change. When she did as Shi told, she noticed how easily taking the lives of someone she thought was innocent felt, as though she was a simple collector who had come to claim what was owed to her. This new fearful form had made her dull to the concept of taking lives and scared her even more.

"It's...I've gotten much more used to it."

Shi nodded his head and continued to smile.

"I've made so many of you before but this is probably the first time there's something like you here. I can't sense any other reapers in this universe which means there's another force in this world that drives death. Sneaky brother, he's kept a few universes outside my sight I see."

Shi chuckled as he stood up from the throne and stretched out.

"I've had the knight's cycle through waves of creatures that are endlessly spawning outside to continuously level up. I can't hold back the adventurers from trying to get in the action without looking somewhat suspicious...well even more so than already. If this keeps up this nation's soldiers will eventually become the most powerful across all the land. We can begin moving out towards other parts of the Elven Kingdom and proceed to doing the same thing to other branches of military that are out there. Eventually one single soldier will be more than enough to topple every nation on this planet."

Shi smiled once more as he took in a deep breath.

"Slow and steady...slow and steady..."

"Do you plan to turn everyone into an undead being that follows your every order?"

"Perhaps. I do not intend to make them my slaves if that's what you mean. They will be free to do as they wish. I just seek their lives and in exchange I shall grant them immortality through death. This world of life and creation belongs to my brother, but where there is no life, there is no claim."

The girl continued to stare at the young man in front of her as he swung his arms around. She did not know what this obsession with his brother he had but whatever it was, it was the force that drove this man to do every action thus far.

Shi fell into deep thought as he tried to figure out a solution for his brother. As long as he was here, he could easily overturn everything Shi did. With a simple snap of his fingers Shi's work would become nothing and the game would come to an early finish. He had to come up with a way to lock Kami's infinite source of power as he had done to his. This was the fun of it after all. Just like old times when Kami and Shi played with creation.  Now it was a repeat of those old times, and Shi was excited. Anyhow, he was going for a win this time, so he needed his brother's powers temporarily neutralized at least.

Shi gave a heavy sigh as he looked up at the sky.

There was perhaps once being out there who could manage this difficult task.

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