Chapter 76- Gods Delegating

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"Do you think perhaps you could take this a bit more seriously child?" a rugged voice spoke from what looked like a throne.

"You're too tense old man! Everything is under control anyway, Yotsune's small grasp on Tyr is insignificant compared to Iatra."replied Asobi as he sat on a throne similar to the other.

A group of powerful looking beings sat around in a circle facing each other. These were some of the Gods of Celestia, who had gathered for a meeting as to the current situation arising from Tyr.

For some time now, they had begun noticing the minions of the God of Calamity, Yotsune, had become increasingly active. This was generally not a cause for alarm since they had Heroes across all of Tyr keeping them at bay. However, this did not mean they could solve all the problems. They had to stay alert since at any point he could decide to have an all-out strike completely taking over Tyr in a matter of minutes. The Gods of Celestia had to keep an eye out on the land of mortals all the time to retaliate immediately.

"Who are you calling old man?! I'm younger than you!" replied the first man to have spoken.

"Then you should know not to speak to your elders like that. Come on! Was this meeting needed? I just want to go play some more!"

He looked around the circle of other Gods who seemed to be having some fun at the exchange.

He mumbled a few words under his breath and slummed back on his chair.

It would be more than easy to mobilize the forces under Goddess Iatra's rule and strike down the opposition, but Iatra was opposed to going about such a "atrocious path" she called it. Killing an enemy before he strikes seemed to him like the only option but she was the ruler, so he would obey her commands.

He was known as the God of Ordinance or for a more personal name, Eores. He was a tall 8-foot-tall being with a large greyed out beard and battle scars across his face. His dark lust less eyes had grown so after eras of struggle and conflict. At once in earlier days he led the large army's of Celestia against those of the Abyss, but those days were past him as he know was more of retired commander than a warrior.

Even so he wore the outfit of one as his large beaten armor that he had refused to change since old times showed signs of age and use. His weapons, his two battle axes, were safely strapped across his sides.

He once more mumbled a bit as the voice of another God got drowned in his thoughts.

He longed ached to once more be in the battlefield of war against the Abyss, it was truly his place in this world. In actuality, Goddess Iatra might have a fair point in not engaging on the God of Calamity. As soon as there was a direct fight between the opposing forces the thrones would be up for grabs, gravely weakening Iatra in comparison to Yotsune. This was an advantageous fight for the enemy team as their forces would not lose as much power from having the thrones stripped.

Still he believed they would be able to beat them easily with hardly a struggled, or so, he hoped.

"W-what was the news on the 'Hero' Kami?" a nervous voice spoke

He was brought back by that question as he looked towards the voice that had asked the question.

It was the Edona, Goddess of Regulation. She was essentially a high-end secretary for Celestia. Her glasses slipped through the bridge of her nose and almost fell before she quickly caught them with a small squeal.

Eores let out a small scuff as he continued to stare at the small fragile looking girl. She had long brown hair and slightly hinted pink pupils with a light blue in the center. Although she is actually more of an average height, she tended to hunch over giving her a smaller appearance. She wore a jacket that was too large for her. The ends of the jacket went close to her knees and her hands were covered by them. Eores had heard that this girl had received this jacket from some mortal who came from another Universe but he never asked her or tried to find out. Strangely enough despite her appearance and demeanor she was excellent when it came to doing all the paperwork and moving Celestia behind the scenes. However, when she stood in front of everyone, she seems to lose any form of confidence and turned into a fragile little girl.

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