Chapter 47- Coordinated Attack

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It had been two days since they last made their way to the camp. It was a slow process but after some convincing the Prince had finally agreed to an all-out attack. During this time however they had begun noticing a significant decrease in monsters attacking or spawning.

"Tch, it's gotta be that bastard Kami, he's probably going around cleaning house. Might as well if he's not going to bother showing up!" exclaimed Hiromichi as they walked cautiously around the area.

"Sir Kami's ability to stay in combat for this long without stopping astonishes me. We must make sure to thank him for keeping the area clear for this amount of time. We wouldn't know what manner of creatures we would have to deal with on our way to the Final Dungeon Boss otherwise." spoke Asahi in a firm voice.

Over the course of the last two days, with the sudden decrease in monsters the Prince was able to send small groups out without much worry of them being attacked. Yesterday, they had returned with news as to where they suspected the Final Dungeon Boss was and now with this information Asahi had pushed forward the idea of an all-out attack which the Prince, again, was hesitant to do at first.

Asahi could feel if given enough time Kami would probably go on his own to attack the Final Dungeon Boss but he refused to wait around for that. He was more than thankful for what he was doing now, how could he just wait around for him to save him like a damsel in distress.

Many of the adventurers and guards had also taken notice of the lack of monsters. A lot of them came from Alzel taken the request from the Adventurer's guild around the time Kami had saved the city. They knew when they had walked in that Kami must be close by now and word had traveled that the Hero who had saved the capital was now in this dungeon. This had elevated the mood around the camp since then and many of them were more than willing now to go and fight the monster than before Kami had arrived.

Even though he was not with them as of now, even his presence brought comfort and strength in others. Asahi chuckled as he thought about this, truly the Gods chose a great Hero of Tyr.

"Mister Kami has been leveling up since then, I keep getting stronger thanks to him!" smiled Himari brightly.

Marie looked down at her and smiled back. It was good to see she had gotten over the fact that she lost to that Dungeon Boss on her own and the uneasy feeling of being weaker than Kami. It wasn't her fault after all, trying to compare yourself to a God was not something someone could easily do. She looked at Sayu noticing she had a sad looking demeanor about her today.

Marie had pulled her over to question her basically the same way she had done so with Kami. Unlike him though, Sayu was a bit more forward in her answers and it seemed like she was too defensive of Kami.

When Marie had mentioned if Goddess Iatra had sent Sayu after Kami to bring him back to Celestia she had gotten annoyed at her and asked her how she would dare to think such a small God would be capable of ordering Kami around. She had quickly changed her demeanor though keeping her cool and simply letting her know they worked outside of Goddess Iatra's rule. Marie still had questions about what that even meant. Kami had said something similar to her once and was now starting to suspect that perhaps they were not envoy God's sent by Goddess Iatra. Still, she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of alliance to Kami. If this was true, then had Kami answered her prayers while Goddess Iatra had remained silent? Should she be more grateful towards Kami now then Goddess Iatra? What had she done as of recent when in comparison to Kami? After all, it was him who was here fighting these monsters with his own strength risking his life to save them while Iatra was in Celestia sitting silently in her throne.

Marie shook her head slightly pushing the thought to the back of her head. This was strange feeling; never before had she questioned her devotion to Goddess Iatra, why now?

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