Chapter 8- Idle Chatter

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Seriously kid what's your level here? I've never met a humanoid type race who could be as strong as you. You must be a godkin child." spoke Hiromichi.

"A what now child?" asked Kami

Himari was swinging her sword at some nearby slimes and goblins. The group of monsters seemed to have teamed up in an effort to keep the little girl away. Prior to this they had seen her and assume she was an easy target. Now an unspoken alliance existed between the two groups of monsters as they had witnessed many of their kind dying easily to the hands of her. Nearly thirty monsters were lined up against her as Himari's complete focus was on slaying them.

On the other hand, Kami and Hiromichi spoke on the sidelines observing the situation.

"A Godkin child! They're supposed to be children born with the blessing of a god or even a child of the gods themselves. They have abnormally higher stats than normal people, that's what you are right?! No wonder I couldn't beat you, tsk!" Hiromichi continued to barrage Kami with questions.

"Nothing of the sort. Look I'll answer your questions as best I can if you answer me this, why did you kidnap all those villagers back there?" asked Kami.

"Why? Heh! It's what I do right? I'm the bad guy so I kidnap people!" replied Hiromichi

"That seems pretty bland for an answer. Any specific reason, money? Evil purpose besides kidnap, give me something here." Kami insisted.

"Look! I'm the Wild Beast Tamer of the North okay?! It's my job to live up to that name! Erasing an entire population from a village is something I do got it?!" he angrily spoke.

"But you're the Wild Beast Tamer of the North not the, Random Village Kidnapper of no Probable Cause. I'm just saying your reasoning is strange." Kami spoke as he looked over at Himari slaying the monsters.

"Tsk, whatever! You can only speak this mighty cause you got a bit of good luck stats on you but just you watch! One day I'm going to out-level you and I'm gonna smash your handsome face in kid!"

Ah this guy is actually just a big attention seeking talker. Could it be he really has no reason to do what he did...come to think of it, in a game when you come across a guy like this you usually end up killing him and never really caring for his motives right? He just kidnaps a bunch of people, he's a bad guy, he's got to be stopped. Could it be he's just that...was I supposed to just kill him off as a bad guy and this is just the result of me not doing so?

"First, I don't think you're must older than me in terms of looks. I look around... seventeen... eighteen maybe you're around what.... twenty-two?" commented Kami as he continued to observe Himari.

"Twenty-one I'm not that old!!!" Hiromichi said as if he had just been offended.

"Sorry it's the whole...super muscles and long wild hair, makes you look bit older." apologized Kami.

"Tsk! You're just all bones and no meat kid. If you're gonna be my rival you should shape up!!!"

"You know I'm going to turn you in for gold right?" replied Kami as he smiled mischievously at him.

Hiromichi simply let out a grumble before turning his attention to Himari.

She looked like she was easily defeating the monsters with a simple swing of her small sword. She gave up on using the shield considering the goblins and slimes were doing zero damage to her. It had been a few hours since they had wandered into the forest and had found monsters for her to kill.

Kami began wondering why there were so many monsters around. He looked at Hiromichi and asked.

"Why are there so many monsters here? Is it normal?"

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