Chapter 15- Back on the Road

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"You're a real prick and an idiot. She's all cursed and shit and you're all over here smiling at the wind!" yelled out Hiromichi.

"Hey, one of two curses is not bad. Besides, give me a bit of time and I'll assure you I'll break this curse of hers with a snap of my fingers. I'm just excited about finally getting to the city." replied Kami as he walked with an energetic pace.

The rest of the group followed closely behind him feeling completely exhausted. They had been walking all day now reaching deep into the night time. It would have been an easier task had they not spend last night doing the same thing when they had fought the skeletons and that monster.

Himari and Marie however were more than content to keep up with him. While Himari was thrilled to be next to his personal Hero, Kami, Marie being the devoted girl she was felt that this God knew what he was doing and she would follow him to the end of the world if he so wished it. However, she did have a few things in her mind she wanted to ask

Marie quickly walked up to Kami before lowering her voice and whispering so the others would not be able to hear her.

"If I may ask, I never did get an answer as to what God you were and in addition, don't you have to go back to the land of the Gods? I'm more than happy to follow a benevolent one like yourself but I thought the Gods of Celestia answered to Goddess Iatra, so is what you're doing ok with her?"

Kami tilted his head as she bombarded him with questions. He didn't really have an answer for her so he decided to be as honest about it as he could.

"I'm not like those Gods. I work outside Goddess Iatra's rule if you can say so. I'm here for a reason and I'm sticking around until I'm done." he replied to her in an equally low tone.

She seemed genuinely surprised before continuing her questioning.

"A God that works outside her rule? The only ones I know that do that are evil Gods or Gods with no alliance. Are you one of those then?"

"Ah-yes, no. It's complicated alright" Kami replied raising his fingers but stopping before doing anything.

I was going to put her to sleep out of instinct. My integration into this world is definitely not going as smooth as I thought it would go.

Marie frowned a bit but did not stop.

"You were there to help us on behalf of Goddess Iatra, right?"

Before he could answer Keishi broke between them and looked angrily at Kami.

"What are you guys secretly whispering about here? Seems real important, anything you want to share mate?"

"Kami's an idiot but he knows how to swoon the ladies. I can respect him for that at least." said Hiromichi in what sounded like the most reasonable tone and response he has ever said something in.

Marie flushed as she retreated to the back and Keishi's expression became twisted as he continued to look at Kami.

"Listen mate, Marie here is a special friend of mines so if your planning something suspicious you better watch yourself or I'll be taking care of you in a whole different way."

Kami rolled his eyes as he continued to look forward. Asahi chuckled in the back and Himari grasped onto Kami's arm. He looked down on her and she had an angry expression as well.

She seemed almost irritated at the fact that Marie and he had been talking and were now being paired by Hiromichi.

Oh no... oh dear Jesus Christ no. Am I setting myself up for what I think I'm setting myself up for? I've watched enough anime to know where this crap-hole is going. Soon as I get to the city I have to ditched this crowd. I am NOT partaking on a Harem! I just want to be an overpowered Hero in this world. Worst case scenario we ditch this universe, go back to heaven, set up an ENTIRE universe where the concept of romance doesn't exist along with some new RPG rules and bam, new play through.

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