Intermission 3

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Prinny: *viciously scrapping yet another piece of paper* What do I do now dood!?

Marie: W-what's wrong?

Prinny: Hmmm, I have all these ideas to write down but I'm all jumbled up! I don't know what to do next, dood!

Sayu: It's not uncommon of such limitations for a mortal. The Creator managed to have mortals write over eight hundred thousand words on a whim, it's to be expected of you.

Sebastien: Ah, the words that come out of Madame Sayu are strange as usual but she is so ravaging, tu es la fille de mes reves!

Hiromichi: Tch, why don't you just write some more dam OP moments with Kami, it's about the only god dam thing people wanna read anyway! Kami this, Kami that, freaking annoying!

Prinny: A-aren't you two in good terms now, what's the deal, dood?

Hiromichi: Doesn't mean I want my life to revolve around him!

Sayu: Hmph, you are unaware of the honor that it is to be able to stand so close to his presence. I should know, I spend endless eras next to him and am always grateful to do so. *boasts as she lifts her chest up in pride*

Hiromichi: It just sounds like you're obsesses with him! You got a thing for him or something?!

Sayu: I-I would never y-you insignificant speck of dust! My admiration is solely that of a devoted creature to its creator!

Marie: *bites her lip nervously*

Prinny: S-speaking of which, you got any idea what the fans are shipping people with?

Hiromichi: Tch, if I had to guess they're probably Harem'ing Kami with every girl that's even remotely showed up in the story! Hell, I'm sure the bastards are just waiting for him to respond to them!

Marie: E-every girl? *flushes*

Prinny: I-I'm sure there's someone out there shipping you with one of the girls Hiromichi...

Hiromichi: Disgusting! All these thirsty girls only clinging on to him! No thanks I have some standards I don't need sloppy seconds!

Sayu: ...

Marie: ...

Thief: *snoring* Ku... I don't... feel so...good... hic

Sayu: Care to elaborate what you mean by that pathetic swine? *squeezes Hiromichi's shoulder*

Hiromichi: Ow, you should really watch that strength of yours no man is ever going to want a girl whose strength is that excessive, try being a bit more feminine that goes for you too Marie you're a bit too plain!

Sebastien: Perhaps you should be quiet now friend, the ladies seem a bit upset... haha...*backs off nervously*

Prinny: *slowly retreats back to his work as to avoid Hiromichi's inevitable end*

(hears Hiromichi gargling in pain before utter silence fills the room)

Prinny: ...

Sayu: ...

Marie: ...

Thief: hic

Sebastien: *coughs awkwardly*

Himari: *comes into room and observes Hiromichi's laying on the ground* M-mister Kami wanted me to call you up Miss he okay?

Hiromichi: ...*Dead*

Sayu: K-Kami needs me?! *Exits frantically*

Prinny: *coughs at the tense air* I never realized how much Hiromichi brought to the table in these, it almost seems to be dragging along at this point...

Marie: *nods head* Y-you could end it as you usually do Author-sama.

Himari: *pokes at Hiromichi* ...

Prinny: R-right. Well, thank you once again for reading my story! I'm currently on 40k plus readers and it's a real honor being able to write this story out for you guys! I have plenty of ideas to continue this story for a good while so fear not, I will not be ending it anytime soon! Either way I hope you continue to support what I do and feel free, once again, to let me know of anything I write wrong or any comments relating to my story that you have. Also, I'm always happy to hear from you guys about your thoughts and ideas so feel free to write me a message or comment. I know a few of you who have consistently stuck around and some who consistently want to know spoilers and I deeply appreciate it! I'm hoping you also enjoy these little scenarios as they are very infrequent anyway so bear with them!

(light glows down on Hiromichi as an angelic orchestra plays in the background)

Hiromichi: *gasps for air* T-that bitch! D-did she just kill me?!

Sebastien: Calm down my friend. One death is good enough for today.

Hiromichi: Mother fuc-

Prinny: U-umm thank you once more and have a great day doods!

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