Chapter 113

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Green light shot from the tip of Voldemort's wand, as he screamed


I screamed for him to stop as soon as he started, but as soon as the words had been said, and the green light struck Finn, he fell, he crumbled to the ground, hitting the wall behind him as he went. His head fell to the side, as if he were sleeping.

I didn't think.

I rushed over to Finn, almost tripping, because of my tear filled eyes. I leaned over him, tears falling from my face. My hands on his not-beating heart.

"HOW COULD YOU? WHO-WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU-YOU-you killed him, you killed my Finmore. You killed my boyfriend! He wasn't just my boyfriend! I loved him." I said in anger, raging at Voldemort. I then turned my head back to Finn, and gently caressed his face with my hands,

"Finmore...I love you."

I could barely even get that out, before I collapsed onto his chest, while mine was heaving, me sobbing so hard I could barely breathe. I quickly got up and ran over to stand in front of the Dark Lord, himself.

"Kill me" I said, through sobs and whimpers. "I can't live without him, kill me." I felt tears pour down my face as I shook my head in disbelievement. "You killed him, just kill me, I deserve it, I could've saved him." I then fell to my knees. Begging. "JUST-JUST KILL ME!" My voice was hoarse.

"I've done my mission, I killed Finmore, and now you are going to suffer."

And then he vanished into his black dusty cloud.

"NOOOO! August...Gus, come over here, kill me, just do it, I want you to." I said through whimpers. He shook his head, tears coming from his eyes too.

"Luke? Please...this is all I ask for...just-just kill me..."

I crawled back over to Finn and laid my body across his, shaking uncontrollably. Sobbing, shaking, and dying on the inside."

I can't believe he's gone...


It has been three weeks, since we took him to Madam Pompfrey. And he still hasn't woken up. Madam Pompfrey said that he was in a coma, and he might not wake up. They gave me the things they found with him, his sword, wand, and surprisingly the phone. Attached to his phone was a note. The note read: Ez, if I perish in this battle, I want you to know that I always have loved you. (Our Songs- Music of Love). My eyes welled up with tears as I looked at the page pulled up on his phone. It was a music playlist titled "Our Songs." I decided to play it, and the first song was the song he sang to me, on one of the first days of school. I leaned down, and kissed him lightly on the lips.

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