Chapter 52

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When I awoke from being in a mini coma, I saw August, Ez, Luke, Laila, Ashleigh, Ez's brother Jax, and, surprisingly, Professor McGonagall and Professor Graham. They were all gathered around me, with worried faces. I tried to sit up and greet them, but the nurse pushed me back down as soon as I tried.

"Hey. What did I miss?" I asked obviously startling them, since they hadn't seen me awake. They all started talking at once to me.

"Are you okay? Are you alive? Why didn't you die? (The last one was from Luke) You missed 5 days of school!" They all said at once, cutting each other off.

"Wait! I've been out of school for 5 days?! How?!" I asked, very suprised.

"The potion we made for you healed you, but also made you very, very tired." The nurse said.

"Great! Now I only have two days to get caught up and go to the dance!" I said. "Wait, you don't have to get caught up, because we taught it to you when you were in a coma." Professor Graham said happily.

"Explain." I said, interested. "Well, your coma was magic induced, so anything magical could happen to you. So, we used a spell to teach you magical things." Professor Graham explained.

"Well, that makes a whole lot of sense." I said sarcastically. I stood up, and walked away from the infirmary. Time to buy a tux.

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