Chapter 108

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My heart was instantly filled with regret as Bellatrix's head rolled off to the side, so the spell didn't work in all aspects. It was a half-decapitation. She fell to the ground, and her body laid there coldly, her eyes still staring wildly at nothingness. I could hear Luke, August, and Ez talking as I walked over to them, and quickly teleported us out of there. We appeared on the lawn in front of the school, them looking very confused as I stared at nothingness as tears formed in my eyes.

"What's wrong Finn?" Ez asked, brushing her hand against my shoulder.

"She- she was killing you, Ez. I had to stop her. My mind stopped and- and it all happened so fast." I said, crying greatly now.

"What happened?" Ez asked more seriously now.

"I- I put my wand to her throat, thought a spell, and slit it. I killed her Ez. I killed another human being for my own sake." My eyes stung now, my body shaking and shivering even though it was warm outside.

"No. No you didn't Finn. You protected me. You were helping all of us." Ez said, continuing to try and cheer me up.

I silently nodded and walked away, leaving the golden case for Ez and the others. They didn't follow me, because they knew I needed alone time. I jumped up and climbed up the tree, summoning my book, The Outsiders, and reading as I shed tears, finally knowing how Johnny Cade felt when he killed Bob Sheldon to help save Ponyboy Curtis.

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