Chapter 95

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We had ran for a while now, and I was starting to get out of breath, as I said, I'm not very athletic. But we reached the edge of the forest, and walked tiredly up a hill, to then, go to Hagrid's. We walked to the front door, me heaving, my chest rising and falling rapidly, I couldn't get enough air, as Luke just stood there, asking me if I was alright. After I had calmed down, we knocked and heard heavy footsteps coming closer. The mountain of a man, Hagrid, open the door and smiled as he greeted us.

"Ezmerelda! And Luke, is it?" Luke nodded. "Come on in."

We made our way into his little hut and sat down at the table.

"Now what brings you two out so late in the night?"

Luke and I glanced at each other before I spoke.

"Professor Hagrid, Sir, something...something black and dark and chased us, along with Laila and Finn, out of the castle. Finn cast his patronus and got it away, but he had to go find August, and Laila went back in the castle. Then, some guy, dressed in all black, with a black mask on, was trying to kidnap us or something, he had his wand on us when we ran, and we were thinking that if you would let us, we could stay here for the night? Surely, someone would see us if we tried to sneak back in the castle, also there might be more...creatures out there. So, could we please stay here for the night?"

Hagrid smiled. "O' course yer can stay. But yer have to sleep in the floor, I don't 'pose I have any more beds." He said laughing, but then got serious again. "The dark wispy black thing that yer saw, it was a Dementor. And from yer description, that other thing yer said was chasin' ya, I'm guessin' that was a Death Eater."

After that, we got ready for bed, me and Luke slept a few feet away from each other on the floor, blankets covering us. With Hagrid in his giant bed, and his dog trying to cuddle with Luke.

I hope Finn's alright, and that he's found August...

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