Chapter 4

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My face hit the floor as the school bully, Colin, punched me as hard as he possibly could. I slowly stood up, looking at him with a look of hatred as I picked up my book, and walked away from him. I was about to reach the school when a hand grabbed the back of my leather jacket and yanked me onto the ground.

"Did you or did you not, ask out my girlfriend?" Colin said.

"Colin, I already told you. She asked me out. I can't blame her... cause I'm kinda great." I said grinning. Another round of punches bombarded my face until Colin asked me, "Had enough all ready?"

I responded by saying "I can do this all day, Meatlug. What about you?" He swung a punch at me, but this time I was ready. I ducked underneath his massive hand, and swung a punch at his guy with all my might. He oofed and stood up and said, "I'll deal with you later." Just then his girlfriend, Emily, came over and led him away. I stood up and wiped the blood from my mouth. "Thats gonna leave a scar." I whispered, picking up my book. This was the last day of school, and the longest.

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