Chapter 83

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We got through chapter 6, which was half of the book, and then I started yawning. It was past dinner time, we had missed it, forgotten all about it, which was very unusual for me, if I knew there was going to be food, I would be the first one there. But right now, it was about 7:30. I looked at Finn, "I'm tired, Finn," I said in the middle of a yawn. He nodded, "me too, reading makes me sleepy." So he got comfortable against the arm of the chair, and I got snuggled up even closer into the side of him, my head almost in his lap, with his arm around me.

This is perfection. Nothing could ruin it.

But of course, something, or should I say someone did. Jax had come walking down the stairs with his friend, Zayn, and his eyes had gotten so big, I thought they were going to pop right out of his head. Zayn realized what was going on, and put a hand on Jax's shoulder, but that didn't stop him. He stomped over to us and looked straight at Finn, "what the bloody hell do you think you are doing to my sister?" My smile quickly turned to a frown as I knew what was happening. Jax grabbed my arm and yanked me up, out of the arms of Finn.

"Jax! What is wrong with you?"

"The question is what is wrong with you Ezzie!"

"We weren't even doing anything! It's not like we were snogging!"

"Well that will probably happen soon, if you keep on doing this!"

"Doing what?"

"Look, Ezzie, I have only ever had one girlfriend, that was last year, and it didn't go well at all, and I don't have one now, and I'm certainly not letting you have a boyfriend! You're too young Ezzie! He'll only break your heart!"

With that I had yanked out of his grip, and stood protectively over Finns body on the couch.

"If you don't want us to be together, then I guess you'll just have to keep us apart."

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