Chapter 25

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I heard about Gus' prank on Finn, it seemed like it would've been pretty funny, though, no one told me about it and I slept till noon...we had no classes today, but there was going to be Quidditch practice and Finn and August wanted me to come. I was sitting on the bleachers at Quidditch practice, as I watched Finn catch the snitch and August hit a buldger away from another girl player, I think her name was Emily Rose.

"Hey Hot Stuff."

I smiled as I had remembered when Finn called me that, but that wasn't Finns voice, I turned around to look into the eyes of Luke Xavier.

What is it with guys and flirting at this school?

I noticed the green on his black robes, he was a Slytherin. I just glared at him for a few seconds until he decided to sit down beside me...too close. I scooted away from him, and he moved back towards me, we done this like three times before I gave up. "What do you want fudge nugget?"

Man, I really need Finn to teach me some comebacks.

"Fudge Nugget?" He asked confused. I nodded. He had blonde spiky hair and ocean blue eyes. He was really a hot guy,

Almost as hot as Finn


Okay, well maybe I did, oh well. He'll never know. Luke yawned and wrapped his arm around my back pulling me closer, he whispered, "I want you." I shivered at the sound of his husky voice. I jumped away from him and went down a few rows and sat down again.

He followed.

"What's wrong babe? I thought you might want me like I want you," he said leaning in to try to kiss me. In a blink my hand came and had slapped him right across the face. I felt so guilty. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't think that through, do you need anything? Does it hurt?" I rushed all of that out, I had never smacked someone before. Before I knew it he had grabbed my face and planted a surprisingly good kiss on my lips. Before I could speak a word, he was gone.

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