Chapter 22

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Me and August followed in silence behind Proffesor Quaff until we reached a door. The door that we stood in front of us led into Proffesor Graham's, the head of the Gryffindor house's, office. We slowly walked in and were pushed into chairs in front of Graham's desk.

"Boys, you both did something stupid..... yet both were brave. Finn, you saved your friend. August, you had faith in your friend to save you. And, you both are excellent fliers. How would you like to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?" Graham said proudly. We both nodded vigurously. He clapped and told us, "Meet Jordan, the prefect who led you around on your first day, for practice. He's the captain." We stood up, stunned, and walked back to the field. Ez was no where to be seen, but Laila on the other hand, was standing there smugly, smirking at us.

"What did you do to Ez?" I asked angrily. "Nothing. And why do you want that old hag when you could have me?" She asked, leaning in to finally snack her lips against mine, to my shock and discomfort. I pulled away quickly and asked, "What the heck?!" She smiled and walked away smugly as I stood there in terrified shock.

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