Chapter 31

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"Why do you hate me so much?" I asked, almost choking on the tears that were pouring out if my eyes. Before I could think, Finn had spun around and planted his soft lips right on mine. He had his hands in my hair, and I was literally dying. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I put one on his shoulder, and one on the side of his face. Way too soon, he pulled away, "Follow me." He said taking my hand into his.

I thought I was going to have an overload of butterflies while he lead me...wherever he was taking me. It turns out we were going to the lake, it was getting dimmer by the minute, and I don't see why we couldn't have just stayed in the Common Room. We walked over to the edge of the lake and he sat down in the long grass, I followed. We both laid back on our backs, the feel of the green grass beneath us and the beautiful view of the setting sun above us.

That's why he brought me out here.

I smiled as a breeze blew through the air, waving my hair about the grass.

"Uhm Ez?"

"Yes Finmore?"

"I am so sorry for earlier, I never should've laid a finger on him, if you care about him. And it's okay if you don't like me like that, I just wanted you to know how I feel."

I was really surprised, Finn had never been one to actually sit down and have a serious conversation with you, he was too humorous,making everyone laugh about everything. I didn't realize that I had took so long thinking, but Finn spoke up before I could reply.

"I just want you to know that however you feel about me, I will never give up on you Ez."

"I really love hanging out with you, and everything about you, but don't you think we may be taking this a little fast? I mean we are only eleven-"

"I'm twelve actually."

Well then

"But think of how August would feel! He would feel like a third wheel, it would be like me and Gus being a couple, how would you feel? Would you want him to feel that way?"

He turned his head so he was staring right into my eyes, and I could perfectly see his brown ones in the moonlight.

"I think it would be better if we just stayed as friends for now."

I couldn't believe my words, I had this hunk of cuteness laying right here beside me, and I turn him down? Well, my brain did have some points, although my heart didn't entirely agree.

Finn stood slowly then turned to look down at me,

"I love you Ez."

And then he was gone.

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