Chapter 65

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Luke started talking as I saw Laila scoot closer to Finn as he then went farther away.

"Look Ezzie, I know that we've had our problems, but you are the most beautiful girl on this planet, and that joke of a guy doesn't deserve you!" He said with a desperate tone in his voice. I clenched my teeth together as he continued.

"He flirts with everyone Ezzie, and to him, you're just another girl, nothing special, he doesn't really love you, heck, he doesn't even like you. But I do, I really do, Ezzie, you are amazing, and you deserve better than that."

For some reason, I forgot that I shouldn't trust Luke.

Tears rolled down my face as I believed every word he said about Finn. He could have any girl, and yet he chooses me? Something is definitely wrong here, and the way he flirts with all of the girls, it was unbelievable. Right at this moment he was over there with Laila, flirting his sparkly pants off. I nodded slightly as I leaned in to hug Luke, "thank you." I said to him. He replied with, "No problem Beautiful."

And with that I was off to go find that heart-breaker, Finn.

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