Chapter 74

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After we finished the Star Wars series, with me and Gus having light saber battles while Ez laughed, we headed to bed. I gave Ez a kiss on the cheek, and we headed out seperate ways. The only thing that bugged me about us is we weren't, together together. We were together, as friends, but I wanted us to be more than that. I wanted us to be able to have movie nights together, alone- with Gus. I decided that this summer I was taking her to Disneyland after she told me she's never been. I had to. It was the boyfriend thing to do.

I also wanted to be able to have peace, together, without Luke and Laila messing with us. We could finally be happy together. My happy thoughts about us together continued into my dreams, ending with us getting married. Someday. I thought.


When I awoke, I decided to wake up Gus as well, so we could wake up Ez.

"GOOD MORNING!" I half said, half sung. Gus looked up groggily, and threw his pillow at me. His sandy blond hair covered his eyes, but I could tell he was glaring at me for waking him up. I danced out of the room, walking to the girls' dormitory. I knocked on the door, and half spoke, half sung, "Good Morning Beautiful. How was your night?" She walked to the door, wearing a nice, casual outfit. She kissed me on the cheek, and I walked away to truly get dressed.

Everything is going great. I thought, the cold water of the shower rushing over my slightly tanned skin.

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