Chapter 20

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My mind was blown by Laila's flirting. Let me explain something: I know I'm handsome, but some girls think I'm 'nerdy' and 'scrawny' and 'tall'. But other girls, they think I'm really hot. I took Ez's hand and we walked away from Laila. We grabbed our brooms and began our lesson when, a boy took a broom to the, you know whats, and had to go to the infirmary because, it was stuck with a hex. We stood around when Laila decided to be even more a jerk. She came over with the bracelet that August had and started messing with it. After a minute, she stuck it on August's arm and he started levitating. He got stuck to the tree in the lawn. The worst part was that the tree, attacked anything it didn't like on sight. I grabbed my broom and was about to fly up and get him down, when I had a great idea.

I took my broomstick, and smacked Laila straight across the face. She squealed and fell to the ground. I flew off on the broom after quickly grabbing an extra broom, whooping and laughing because of the real, true freedom I was feeling. I flew up to August and took the bracelet off of him, gripping his wrist tightly. I handed him his broom and we flew around through the sky before smoothly landing back onto the ground. Laila was still sitting on the ground, but a new bruise and black eye had formed.

"Sorry for bruising you pretty face, but it didn't do too much damage. Looks the same. Purple and all." I said smirking. I linked my arm with Ez's and walked away. We went back to where we were before Laila went Two-Face on us. Proffesor Quaff came outside and said three things.

"Cade. Blanchard. Come with me." Oh crap.

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