Chapter 81

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Finn read to me, and it was amazing. His voice filling my ears. He had just finished chapter 2, and was on the first sentence of chapter 3, when August came in and said that the train was leaving. We both hugged him goodbye, and told him to have fun, and that we would miss him, and then most of the castle was empty. I heard that there was Jax, and his friend Zayn, and me and Finn in Gryffindor staying. I didn't know who was staying in Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, but I think the guy from Ravenclaw, who caught the snitch before Finn is staying, along with some guy named Parker.

"I have a surprise for you later, Ez" Finn told me.

"Oooooh! What kind of surprise?"

"It's a secret! Can't tell."

"You can tell me..."

"No I can't, it's for you, you can't know what it is."

I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted, with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, come on Ez, I'm not telling you! You will find out in exactly 7 hours!"

"What? It's like 5 now! Is the surprise gonna be at midnight?"


I crossed my arms and huffed,

"Fine, I won't talk to you until you tell me what it is..."

He turned his head and grinned at me,

"I know what will make you talk."

I pretended to not hear him.

I saw him wiggle his eyebrows out of the corner of my eye, I almost smiled but I stayed strong.

"Ezzie Cakes! The Tickle Monster is going to eat you!"

I tried not to smile, but we all know how that goes.

He reached over and started ticking behind my ear, I twitched a few times, but didn't say anything. He tried my neck, almost laughing, I resisted it. He went to my side, my weakness, and then I was on the floor laughing, him on top of me, just like that other time we had a tickle war...well it wasn't really a war, it didn't work on him, but it was still awesome...

I stopped trying to fight him off with my hands, and grabbed his face suddenly, I leaned in like I was going to kiss him, and he fell for it, I flipped us over so that I was on top.

This is going to be an interesting Christmas...

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