Chapter 106

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My feet padded against the steps again, my mind overloaded with thoughts. I exited the lavoratory, and walked towards the Whomping Willow. What I found, disturbed me. Nothing. She wasn't there. I decided to find Luke and August, because they were probably with her. I eventually found them, Luke holding the wand in front of him.

"Have you guys seen Ez?" I asked them. They both shook their heads, so I realized that she was probably in trouble.

"Apparate Ezmerelda Green!" I yelled, scared out of my wits about her. I appeared back in the chamber of secrets, but I was standing in front of another cave. Inside was a woman with frizzy black hair, wearing a long, flowing black dress. And Ez.

Ez was laying on the ground, her head facing opposite of me, a stream of sharp red light flowing from her back to the lady's wand. I lunged at the lady, my bare hands the only weapons I was using. I tackled her, breaking her focus, and giving Ez a chance to escape.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" The lady asked. That's when I saw her face. A face I saw on a death report years ago. The face of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"I'm Finn, and I presume you're Bellatrix Lestrange." I said grabbing my wand and putting the point up to her throat.

"Well Finn, aren't you quite the charmer? And you are quite cute. I think I might let you live and you can be my, let's see, 'pet'. How about that?" She said, smiling and patting my head. I glared at her and thought two words in my head....

Sectum Sempra!

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