Chapter 36

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I continued tickling Ez, when something happened. I realized how close our faces were together. And she realized this too. I could see her face slightly inching towards mine, and mine followed suit. Our lips were about to meet, when we realized what was happening. I pulled away, walking up the stairs to the dormitory. I heard Ez slightly whispering, "Finn, I love you too." I grinned wildly as I walked up the stairs.


The next morning, we devised our plan. I came down the stairs with my share of the items we needed. I sat down the bags from yesterday. August started listing of the supplies we needed for each item, "Let's see: lighter, and hairspray. Who brought which?" I pulled out my lighter and the hairspray. "Where'd you get that hairspray Finn? It wasn't in the bags yesterday."

"That's not important right now but if you must know, sometimes, this-" I said motioning to my hair, "Isn't natural." I put the stuff down and started working on making it. "Wrap the rubber bands around the lighter, attach it to the hairspray, don't burn down the table, and boom. I'm a genius! Yeah science!" I showed them how my invention worked. I flicked the lighter on and sprayed some hairspray. The mist lit fire, thus creating a 'mini flamethrower'. "This, is mine." I said, the fire making my eyes light up wildly, and along with my mischievous smile, I bet I looked like a mad man.

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