Chapter 37

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"Do you guys know what the dark evil we will be facing is?" I asked curiously. Finns eyes grew huge. "The Dark Lord of course." I was confused. I had never heard of such a person. "Huh?" Finn looked over at August for support, but Gus looked just as confused as I was. "You guys don't know who the Dark Lord is?" We shook our heads. "But Ez, you should know, you're parents were probably around for it." I was super confused, was there something that they didn't tell me? Finn looked at our faces for recognition of the name, we made no signs. He sighed. "Well, when our parents were kids, a terrible evil wizard would terrorize everyone. He killed people, for no reason. He used a dark magic called horcruxes, it split his soul. His name was Voldemort." He whispered the guys name. Why didn't I know about this? I wonder if Jax knew? Finn continued, "When a boy named Harry Potter was a baby, Voldemort tried to kill him, but he was unsuccessful. Voldemort and Harry fought almost every year, and Harry finally vanquished him. He defeated him. But my parents told me that some of their friends had been talking about how a rat, I think that's what they said, had gathered the ashes of Voldemort or something and had recreated him out of his own ashes.

By the time Finn was finished my mouth hung open in disbelievement, and Gus' eyes were almost popping out of his head in fear. We stayed silent until Finn said something else.

"Well, what kind of weapon do you want to make to use against him?"

So this is the guy we are going to have to defeat? With muggle-weapons?

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