Chapter 7

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@nightwing2602 and I are going to try to update this every day now, so yeah😂


I silently cried all the way to London, it was only like two hours away, but still, through the whole ride, tears poured down my face. When we arrived in London, we caught a bus and headed to Diagon Alley. Where we all went in and purchased supplies for me and my brother. My parents have an owl, but they had never given Jax one before, and Jax could only use it with their permission, he's unpredictable, for all we know, he could send a letter to The Ministry Of Magic telling them that our parents resign, like I said, he's unpredictable. But, anyways, getting back to my story, my parents were leading us, and they walked right into the pet shop. "Uhm, Mom, Dad, why are we in here?" My heart was racing, I had always wanted an owl! My parents snuck a grin at each other then looked at me and Jax, who was actually paying attention, and didn't have headphones in for once. "Pick one out," Dad said, motioning to the owls, as Mom added, "But, you have to agree!" They left to go talk to some old friends I'm assuming, as I was almost jumping up and down in excitement! I ran over to the owls, when something green caught my eye. I glanced back over and there was a pair of lime green eyes staring back at me, the eyes belonged to an owl as dark as night. It was black with occasional grey feathers. "Jax, do you like him?" I asked with big eyes, he glanced up from his phone, barely looking at the owl before saying, "Sure." I carefully picked up the cage and brought it to the register where my parents were waiting for us. "We want this one," I announced. Dad nodded in approval as Mom smiled. They handed some coins to the man behind the register. We thanked him and walked back out onto the busy sidewalks. I was holding the owls cage, trying to think of a name for him, yeah, it was a boy. We turned down an empty alley and I have no idea how, but, the owls cage came open and he started flying swiftly through the air. "Jax! What did you do?" I screamed as I dropped all my books and took off through the alley. I'm sure he didn't hear me though, because he had in headphones...ugh. I chased the owl through many streets and alleys, occasionally bumping into people and mumbling 'sorry' or 'excuse me.' The owl had turned a corner and I was a little behind, so I didn't see where it went. I stood in the middle of a street, not too many people around, but still some. I started walking faster, in a panic, looking up in the sky, on top of buildings, street lights, I was running now when...oof...i fell to the ground, as did someone in front of me. I jumped up and went over to the person, who was a boy who looked about my age with tousseld black hair and dark eyes. I held my hand out to help him up, "I am so sorry, I was looking for my owl he flew away, are you hurt?" I rushed out. He lifted up his arm to look at his elbow, it was scabbed and had started bleeding, a lot. It scraped on the sement when he fell, I guess. "It's alright, I'm used to it," he said with a smile. I helped him up and we walked to a bench on the sidewalk where we both sat down and I took my blue scarf off, we needed to put something over his elbow, or he would get blood everywhere. He looked at me confused when I was about to grab his arm. "Don't waste your pretty scarf on me, it looked good on you." He said with a smirk. I smiled to the ground with red cheeks. I lifted my head back up and grabbed his arm again, "it's worth it, I don't even like it that much anyway." Even though it was my favorite scarf, ugh, why couldn't I have worn a different one today? While I wrapped my scarf around his elbow softly, he held his other hand out to me, "I am the great Finmore, but I prefer Finn" he said with a grin. I finished with his arm before I held out a hand, "Ezmerelda" I replied, he remained smiling. He stood up from the bench and looked down at me, "Well Ez, I have to get go-" before he could finish my owl landed on his head, "Well look at this, I'm an owl perch!" I started giggling and then he was laughing. After we recovered, he asked, "Is this yours?" I smiled innocently while nodding. I reached my arm up to his head and the owl climbed onto my arm. "Well, maybe I'll see you around" I said hopefully. He grinned and started walking backwards, "Stay cute, Ez!" I almost died of embarrassment before turning away and wandering around trying to find my family, the whole time, thinking of Finmore.

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