Chapter 10

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The first thing I notice when I meet a new person, is their looks. And boy, Laila was a 47 and a 1/2 on a scale from 1-10. I felt a flirt coming on, so I just let it out, "Hey babe. Do you carry love potions around, or can you just use them with your beautiful eyes?" I asked slicking my hair back smoothly. She blushed and said, "Well Finn. You sure are an open book." I flashed her a smile and leaned back, putting my arms on the tops of the seats.

"Are you relaxed enough Finn?" She asked jokily. I nodded and pretended to drop something so I could flex my muscles while pretending to lift something. Laila and Ez both looked as I lifted my trunk up and pulled my wand out, while August was staring out the window. I decided to scare him, so I shot out my "firework" spell at him. He jumped up from his seat as it exploded right in front of his face. His anger turned into joy in a matter of seconds as everyone in the compartment laughed.

I stood up and said, "I'm going to try to flirt with those girls again. Don't screw it up again, Ez." I gave Ez a fake glare as I walked out of the compartment. People shuffled past me as I walked back to the compartment of girls. I tried my flirtatious magic with them, but my results were only slight blushes. As we pulled nearer to the castle, I walked back to my original compartment and grabbed my robes. I made my way to the restroom and changed into my uniform. When I started to leave, August walked in and scared me so much I broke the sink's pressure handles. I jumped up and lightly punched him in the shoulder. He patted me on the back and we went our seperate ways. I made my way back to the compartment just as the stop came into view. August ran into me as he came to get his stuff. We grabbed our trunks and ran out of the train, just in time.

I looked up to see a mountain of a man standing above us, wearing a long trench coat that almost matched the length of his beard and scraggly hair.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." he said in a gruff voice.

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