Chapter 109

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I felt so bad, Finn didn't deserve to have killing someone on his shoulders. He didn't do it on purpose! I'm sure if he had the choice, he wouldn't have done it, he would never kill someone! I'm glad that he protected me, but he shouldn't have went that far, I know that he regrets it, and I forgive him, but he shouldn't have killed her.

"Hey Ezzie, where's the robe?" August asked. I had put the box in my robe pocket earlier, it wasn't even that big of a box. I pulled it out. August took it from my hands and threw it around his shoulders, instantly, his neck down vanished.

"Put the hood on, Gus." I ordered, amazed.

He obediently put the hood on, and he vanished, completely.

"I want this when we battle Voldie!" The air said, excited, like a little boy on Christmas.

"Okay." Said Luke. "If I get to help, I want the wand."

"Yay! I wanted the bow the whole time!" I said happily. "I just gotta learn how to shoot straight." I said laughing.

Luke, August, and I all walked around the lawn, trying to see if we spotted Finn. We finally found him, and I told the two boys to stay there, and I was going to talk to Finn. I made my way slowly, over to Finn. He sat up on a tree branch. The same tree he had sat in the night that I pushed him into the punch bowl. As I got closer, I could see fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. I climbed up the tree, without talking. I finally made my way up to Finn, and sat beside him. I hugged him, as he cried into my shoulder.

As he was crying, I felt a few tears shed from my eyes.

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