Chapter 98

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"Finn, why didn't you tell me about everything? I could've helped you, don't you trust me?" Ez asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. My life's been bad. I didn't want to drag you into it. But I know what you're wondering. Am I really Finn or Finmore? Who did you fall in love with?" I asked. She nodded and I began my response. "This, this is my curse. But it's also my gift. Who am I? I'm both of them. I'm Finn, and Finmore. They both made me who I am now. I'm a better man now. I've changed." I was so relieved to finally spill my secrets, my demons to Ez and August. They were the only ones I trusted with my secrets, except for myself, of course.

"Now guys, I think it's time we really crack down on this 'Dark Lord' stuff." I said seriously. They both looked at me, and I smiled wildly at them.

"What about it?" Ez asked.

"Well, we need to find these weapons that the prophecy talks about. The sword, the bow, the wand, and the robe." I said, pointing out the obvious to the oblivious. That's when an old hat appeared before me. And not just any old hat. A particular, brown, dusty old hat that I've only seen once before. And this hat went by one name:

The Sorting Hat.

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