Chapter 79

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"Ready to start flying?" He asked.

I was so nervous...

What if I fall?

What if the broom loses control?

What if I slam into the hoop-thingie?

What if I die?

"Don't worry, I won't let you die."

It's like we have connections in our brains...

"Okay, I guess I'm ready." I shakily got onto a broomstick that we had found in the changing rooms. Finn had his broom under him, and he was already a few feet off the ground. I tapped the ground with my foot and flew up about 10 feet in the air in about 2 seconds. I was already breathing fast, I do not like heights.

"It's okay Ez, I'm not going to let you fall, I'll be right here beside you the whole time."

I smiled gratefully at him. This was just like the time that my Dad had taught me how to ride a bike. I had wanted to learn for years, so that I could ride around town with Kolby, and when he finally taught me, I was terrified. Like right now.

He flew up a bit higher, and I followed, shaking. He went up about 10 feet farther this time. I shakily went up with him, breathing fast.

"Ez calm down, it's okay. I got you."

I started breathing even faster, when I get too nervous or too scared, I start hyperventilating. He tried to go up farther, but I shook my head.

"Come on Ez, you can do it!"

I shook my head again, and he came back down to my level

"Want to go back down?" He asked gently.

I nodded. I followed him back to the ground and sat on the grass, trying to calm myself down. He came over and put his arm around me, rubbing my back.

"Want to ride with me for a bit?"

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