Chapter 6

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When I got back home from the worst day of school ever, I started to get my things together for school. I still needed all the essentials which I would get at Diagon Alley.

My phone buzzer with a text from my friend, Ashleigh: Are you alright?

I texted back: Yeah :P. Then I plopped onto my bed and started back with my packing until I heard my door open. I turned around to see my dad standing there. "Hey dad." I said, continuing to throw clothes and stuff into the bag.

"Finn, I'm not gonna be able to take you to Diagon Alley." He said sadly. I asked him why. He said, "I have to work, but I'll be home for when you get back." I nodded okay and continued packing. Great, more people to deal with. I thought bluntly. I decided to go ahead and call a cab for transportation since it was a 3-mile walk and I couldn't use my broom.

The cab pulled up to my house and I threw my stuff into it. The driver asked me where I was headed and I replied, "To the Leaky Cauldron. After 30 minutes of awkward silence and him hitting the GPS and playing Aerosmith as loud as possible, I saw my stop. As the cab pulled up to my stop, the old restaraunt known as "The Leaky Cauldron", I thanked the driver and handed him the money. I walked up to the door and yanked it open. Inside were all sorts of people. Wizards, muggles, Kardashians, basically all kinds of creatures and beings. I was just about to leave when a hand grabbed my arm. It belonged to an elderly man wearing a muted green robe. He whispered in my ear, "Boy, what is your name?" I replied "Finmore Cade, but everyone calls me Finn."

"You are destined to vanquish a great evil with the power of a blade known as the Sword of Godric Gryffindor. You will meet people who can help you through this journey. A female warrior, will become your best friend as well as a male warrior. They will both need to use two of the other three weapons: the wand of Sylvester Slytherin, the bow of Rowena Ravenclaw, and the robe of Helga Hufflepuff. Choose your friends wisely, Mister Cade." And with that, he vanished. Things can't get weirder? And boy, was I wrong...

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