Chapter 28

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I walked toward Luke with my teeth clenched and my hand squeezing so tight into my skin that I was drawing blood. Luke took one look at me and folded his arms across his chest. "Is this your little brother Ez?" Luke asked.

"No, I'm her boyfriend." I said, punching him straight in the jaw. He fell down from the force of my punch. "Don't ever mess with Ez. Cause there's more where that came from." I said sternly.

"Ok Elf. You wanna fight?" He said staring down at me slightly. "Yeah. Dance off!" I said, beginning to break dance while he stood there confused. He tried to punch me, but missed terribly. I ran towards him but kicked off the wall and back flipped into a split. I stood up and said, "You missed, Meatlug. I've dealt with people like you before."

"What makes you special?" He asked angrily.

"Nothing. I'm just a kid from London." I said punching him again. Finally Ez stopped the fight.

"STOP! Both of you are being childish. Finn, go on to the common room. I'll deal with you later. Luke, you stay here." She said sternly. I solemnly walked back to the common room, tears silently falling down my face. I let myself get attached. Again. It's a curse. I actually cared about Ez, but she didn't care about me.

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