Chapter 64

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I watched sadly as Ez walked away with Luke, leaving me alone. That's when things got much worse than I ever imagined possible. Laila came over and sat beside me, almost on my lap. Yeah, way too close. I tried scooting away, but she just scooted with me. I continued my little escape, until I fell off the side of the bench. I quickly stood up and sat back down on the bench, and again, she sat down beside me, way too close. I tried to see what Ez and Luke were doing, but I couldn't see.

"What's wrong Finny? Don't you want some, actual pretty, female company?" Laila asked.

"Yeah, do you see any?" I asked looking around. She scowled and put her hand on my knee.

"I found some." She said flipping her hair back, trying to get my attention.

"Really?! Where?!" I said standing up, searching around in a desperate way.

"I'm thirsty. Can you get me some punch?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Sure." I said, standing up, relieved to be away from Laila.

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