Chapter 55

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I smiled as Finn made a joke about him being in a coma. Gosh, I've missed him so much over the past few days, I'm so glad that he woke up in time for the dance, or I would've been doomed, well I probably could've went with August, but that just might be awkward.

Crap! I still have to get a dress!

I wonder if Finn has gotten a tux yet?

"Ez? Are you alive? Earth to Ez! Babe, snap out of it!"

I giggled as Finn waved a hand in front of my face to bring me out of my thoughts. He then grabbed my hand and took us to an empty area so that we could try to get our patronous'. I tried first, the first few times didn't work, and I had gotten so nervous, I had to wipe my sweaty hands on my robes. The next time I spoke the words "Expecto Patronum!" A white wispy tiger emerged from the end of my wand, and people gasped because I was the first to get mine. I saw Laila glare at me, and Luke smirked,

Of course

After it ran around me a few times, I looked away to look at Finns smiling face, and the tiger disappeared. A few more people got theirs too. Then it was Finns turn, he held his wand confidently and swished it with a loud,

"Expecto Patronum!"

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