Chapter 111

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The 'death eaters' or, whatever they were had appeared out of black misty clouds that had appeared from the top of the clouds. I swiftly brought a bow out of my pack behind me, and lined it up, and shot the person nearest to me, straight in the stomach...I didn't want to kill anyone, so I didn't shoot towards their chest, but, I needed them to be unmovable. And I was surprisingly good at shooting with a bow and arrow. I loved the 'whoosh' of air, that blew my hair backwards whenever I let go of the arrow. I saw one of the 'flame-throwers' floating in midair nearby, and I almost laughed.

August should be safe through his battle, unless he burns his self.

I looked to my right, to see Luke petrifying people, then falling over, like a brick. Then I looked to my left to see Finn slice someone's arm off...I think he has the same perspective as me...Although, it did look pretty disgusting and bloody.

I then looked straight ahead, to shoot someone in the shoulder, barely escape a knife whizzing towards me, making a small cut on my ear, and then shoot the person, that threw the knife, in the stomach. People were falling everywhere, all death eaters, none of us had been injured, yet. There were only about maybe 10 of them left. I got 3 of them, two in the shoulder, and one in the knee. I think I saw someone get torched by August. A few body parts fly off, thanks to Finn, and then people just falling over sideways, by Luke.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone grab Luke by the throat, and I quickly shot them in the side, and they released.

We had gotten through all of his 'protectors.'

All that stood in front of us was Voldemort, himself now.

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