Chapter 69

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I was sitting in the Common Room, thinking, when Finn walked through the portrait. I was the only one in here, and Finn walked up the stairs awkwardly as I pretended to not watch him.

I had been thinking about everything Luke told me last night, and I had been worrying that maybe I had chosen the wrong side. I was very confused about everything, I mean it was true that Finn used to flirt with like, every girl, but since we had started doing-whatever we were doing, I noticed that he had been less flirtatious around other girls. And it was also true that Finn was sometimes self-centered, but I knew I wasn't just another girl to him. Luke had tricked me with his wicked blue eyes.

And then I thought of the time that Finn had kissed me for the first time, I was so upset because he wouldn't talk to me, and then he just spun around and our lips had clashed together.

I know that wasn't 'nothing.'

I was going to get my best friend back, and I don't care if he's mad, I'm going to explain everything to him, and he is going to listen!

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