Chapter 83- To the Arena

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There was gasps among the people and some looked in shocked as Kami walked from the opposite end of the gate. There was no applauses or cheering except from Himari who stood up and clapped cheerfully as he walked towards the center of the stage.

He donned the glow of the Gods which everyone here knew distinguished a mortal from what they were. His appearance, almost translucent compared to mortals, made him stick out like a sore thumb as the crowd stared in disbelief.

"N-no way, there's no way there's a God here challenging Drairgun."

"D-does that mean the Gods are against us now as well"

"A-are we enemies of Otherworld?!"

There was a small sense of panic that filled the crowd as it grew among them.

Soon there was frantic chatter among them as the announcer's voice echoed once more across the arena.

"People, please settle down! This is a friendly competition between two Heroes despite one..being a God! This is not a refl-"

He lost the crowd as they once more began speaking and some even tried to stand to leave the Colosseum.

Many feared that this somehow was a signal of their incoming doom, and tried to make their way out.

Kami who had been standing idly this whole time sighed.

"Calm down and sit."

There was a wave of energy that brushed like the air across the arena as everyone froze. The emotions of fear and confusion that they felt were washed away as a wave of peace and tranquility fell over them. Many turned and stared back at him as they took a seat once more as if entranced by his presence.

Kami on the other hand clicked his tongue.

Ah so it does work that way. My Charisma has become a Unique Stat like Thief's Lucky one. Is that why it was always awfully low? This is borderline not one of the Unique stats I would want. It goes against what I give people, which is free will. Either way I guess I couldn't have them walk off and start thinking that me being here is a sign of disaster. That's not good for the image I was trying to set.

He had spent last night after the party was over learning about what had happened ever since he had chosen God Class. There was a few differences, one obviously being the large change in stats, a couple new passives, an a few skills that came along with the it. The one thing that had caught his attention this whole time though was how his Charisma had changed in appearance. It had resembled that of Thief's Luck stat. Funny enough, just like her own Luck Stat his Charisma was low but its effect was grand.

His words could essentially now bend people to his will and it would seem perfectly normal to them. He could change their moods, make them do whatever he wants them to do, control them like they were nothing more than chess pieces in his grand game. He wasn't sure what the consistent increase in it would do but as of now he knew he could easily manipulate others and they would see it as something natural.

This was not new to him, he was always more than able to do that, since he created mortals but he never did so directly. He truly did believe mortals deserved free will and wanted them to do as they wish. However, by some twisted chance, his now Unique Stat was that very same ability he had long used.

Kami would have to watch his mouth from now and make sure not to accidentally bend someone or something to his will. It was easy enough to control but he wasn't sure how it directly translated to in this world.

The crowd continued to stare at him, as if clinging to any other word he would say.

Kami cleared his throat and spoke, his voice now amplified as if he was speaking into a microphone.

He cringed at the thought of what to say next but decided to wing it.

"Citizens of the Draconian Empire. I come in peace not as a God, but as a fellow existence in this world. My purpose is not to instigate a war between our nations, or even a Divine one. I come to test my strength against your best that is all. My allegiance is not with one nation or one group, mortal or not, but with you. As a God I promise to you that my only wish is to keep the peace between mortals and to help anyone in need, regardless of borders! I ask that you give me the chance to prove myself, not as a God, but as a Hero of the People!"

Kami closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Alright didn't use my Charisma to affect that in anyway. Ahhh, but it felt so lame I'm not sure what to do now everyone seems so quiet! Did I screw it up? I got a few references from movies a-

There was a small clap coming from the crowd as the looked at each other in a pleased manner. The clapped turned louder as the people began cheering and eventually there was a roar of encouraging noises coming from the arena.

Kami smiled and raised his hand happily as he looked around feeling content with himself.

It would seem to him that the Draconian Empire and its people now welcomed him just as happily as the Ducuria Kingdom did.

God's an Adventurer: Volume IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin